MYCOLOGICAL REPORT. AUTUMN 1966 75 cords of persistence. The most pleasing find this year has been Cortinarius pholideus (Fr. ex Fr.) Fr. which I found on the out- skirts of Monkwood and is the only new record for this year in the forest area. The most outstanding feature of the year was the great collections of eggs of Mutinus caninus (Huds.) Fr. found near Broadstrood Lodge. I have never seen anything like it before and had always thought of the Stinkhorns as solitary in their manner of growth. Annual Report for 1966 Membership The numerical strength of the Club on December 31, 1966, was 260. This compares with 267 at the close of the preceding year. During the year 1966, 27 new members were elected. The Club lost 34 members, through resignation (21), through death (2), by removal for failure to pay subscriptions (11). The deceased members were Mr Edgar E. Syms, a former President, and Mr Eric Saunders, B.E.M. We have also recently learnt of the deaths of Mr K. G. Gordon and Mr H. F. Page. House List It was with deep regret that the death was announced of Eric Saunders who had acted as General Secretary to the Club for four years. The Club will be much the poorer for this tragic loss. The following members of Council retire in accordance with Rule 4: Messrs D. Corke, A. G. Jones and W. Page. Thanks are due to these members for valuable services rendered to the Club. Meetings During the year the General Meetings have been quite well attended, a trait which the Council hope will be continued and improved upon during the 1967 sessions. Groups The groups have continued to thrive, all having had at least six metings during the year. An annual fixture which has already established itself, namely the Geology Group's three day expedition during the Whit holiday, had a record turnout in the Peak District of Derbyshire. The Council, whilst observing that these annual excursions are out of the County, fully endorses this act of concentrated field work which provides valuable geological training unobtainable within the Essexian strata. The Mammal group has continued its work of careful observa- tion and recording. A departure from the conventional excursion