76 THE ESSEX NATURALIST which was well rewarded, was the Bottle Hunt. Large numbers of bottles from wide areas of the county were collected and the remains of small mammals therein entombed were collected, identified and recorded. The results were so rewarding that it is understood that this may become an established annual event. The Botany Group has continued to thrive, the evidence of which can be seen by glancing over the programme card of the Club. It is to be noted that by far the largest number of informal meetings were organised by the members of the Botany Group. In conclusion, the Council thanks all members who have assisted in the organisation of the Club, especially those who have led outdoor meetings. It must be remembered that without these leaders, the Club's activities would have to be considerably cur- tailed. The Council also thanks members for their keen support of the Club's activities and looks forward to receiving their con- tinued support in the future. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GEOLOGY GROUP, 1966 The enthusiasm shown by the members of the Group, made this yet another highly successful year. There has also been an increase in membership of the Group. During the year a questionaire was sent to the active members of the Group. The results and the response given were most helpful, and certain of the suggestions given will be put into operation. The support of those attending and the co-operation given by car owners enabled us to undertake field trips, which ranged further afield than usual this year. Thus we were able to see and examine deposits, which either are not present or have only a limited exposure within the County. During the field meeting to Herne Bay we saw the deposits of the Lower London Tertiaries. Whilst on the trip to Oxfordshire, we were able to collect from the highly fossiliferous Jurassic strata. The Whitsun trip to Derbyshire was once again another success, as was the Group's Dinner. The year's meetings ended with an indoor meeting, at which a selection of coloured slides taken by members of the Group on various past field trips was shown. R. Coates, Secretary. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MAMMAL GROUP, 1966 The first "Bottle Hunt" was held during the year, to collect the remains of small mammals trapped in discarded bottles. Results gave 185 small mammals in bottles and 40 visual records on the roads during the hunt over the thirty 10 km squares selected. The exercise was a great success and it is hoped to make