A BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF ESSEX 87 although these are useful for reference they contained no place place names or dates. Many bryologists of the present time, who either live in the county or pay it occasional visits, have added to the list of records. Joseph Ross (1873-1962) knew the location of some of the rarer species including Zygodon forsteri, and he it was who first found Ptilidium pulcherrimum in Epping Forest. In 1957, Dr F. Rose found the rare hepatic, Lophozia capitata, on West Bergholt Heath. Dr F. Warburg (1908-1966), with Prof. P. W. Richards, refound Plagiochila asplenioides in Chaulkney Wood in 1952 and also recorded Eurynchium mega- politanum near Beeleigh Mill in 1958. Messrs J. H. G. Peterken, B. C. Wallace, C. C. Townsend and B. T. Ward have added to the list. The most detailed work in the county recently has been done by Eric Saunders (1912-1966). From 1958 to the time of his death he added about 60 species to the Essex flora, including Octodiceras fontanum, Bryum knowltonii and Pallavicinia lyelii. The most recent work in the county has been accomplished by Dr K. J. Adams, Dr A. J. Harrington, Messrs S. T. Licence and P. J. Wanstall and this is continuing. List of Collectors J. M. Adams (J.M.A.) R. E. Parker (R.E.P.) K. J. Adams (K.J.A.) R. Paulson (R.P.) K. L. Alvin (K.A.) R. M. Payne (R.M.P.) E. Armitage (E.A.) J. H. G. Peterken (J.H.G.P.) F. J. Bingley (F.J.B.) A J. Pettifer (A.J.P.) R. A. Boniface (R.A.B.) P. W. Richards (P.W.R.) A. Brinkman (A.B.) F. Rose (F.R.) F. Y. Brocas (F.Y.B.) J. Ross (J.R.) E. N. Buxton (E.N.B.) E. Saunders (E.S.) C. P. Castell (C.P.C.) W. R. Sherrin (W.R.S.) F. J. Chittenden (F.J.C.) D. Streeter (D.S.) H. N. Dixon (H.N.D.) A. Sutton (A.S.) J. L. English (J.L.E.) W. J. Syratt (W.J.S.) E. Forster (E.F.) C. C. Townsend (C.C.T.) A. Greenwood (A.G.) C. N. Twydell (C.N.T.) A. J. Harrington (A.J.H.) E. G. Varenne (E.G.V.) E. M. Holmes (E.M.H.) E. C. Wallace (E.C.W.) H. H. Knight (H.H.K.) P. J. Wanstall (P.J.W.) T. Laflin (T.L.) E. F. Warburg (E.F.W.) E. T. Levy (E.T.L.) B. T. Ward (B.T.W.) S. T. Licence (S.T.L.) W. C. R. Watson (W.C.R.W.) St. J. Marriott (St.J.M.) H. L. K. Whitehouse (H.L.K.W.) W. R. Masefield (R.M.) Sources The following journals and works have been consulted as sources for Essex records. Moss Exchange Club Reports, 1896-1922. British Bryological Club Reports, 1923-1945.