88 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Transactions of the British Bryological Society, 1946-1967. Census Catalogue of British Mosses, Edition 1, 1907 (W. Ingham, editor); Edition 2, 1926 (J. B. Duncan, editor); Edition 3, 1963 (E. F. War- burg, editor). Census Catalogue of British Hepatics, Edition 1, 1905 (S. M. Macvicar, editor); Edition 2, 1913 (W. Ingham, editor); Edition 3, 1930 (A. Wilson, editor); Edition 4, 1965 (J. A. Paton, editor). Arrangement of Flora The arrangement of the flora is based on the Census Catalogue of British Mosses (Warburg, 1963) and the Census Catalogue of British Hepatics (Paton, 1965). Where the origin of a record in one of the Census Catalogues has not been traced, the edition in which the plant was first recorded is given. Records entered in square brackets are considered doubtful. If a record is enclosed in round brackets the species in question has not been reported in the vice-county during the past fifty- years. Acknowledgments Although I must accept responsibility for any inaccuracies that there might be in this work, I have received much assistance from members of the British Bryological Society and others and without their help this flora would never have been completed. Mr B. T. Ward, Verderer of Epping Forest, not only contributed many records but also checked the place names, a task which required much knowledge in an historical county like Essex. I am indebted to Mrs J. A. Paton, B.B.S. Recorder for Hepatics, whose help and encouragement were most valuable. Mr A. C. Crund- well, B.B.S. Recorder for Mosses, dealt with the Mosses and made many helpful suggestions. Miss E. M. Lobley revised the original draft of the Sphagna, and Dr A. J. E. Smith spent much time in reading through the original manuscript and eliminated many inaccuracies. Messrs E. C. Wallace, A. H. Norkett, C. C. Towns- end and A. R. Perry gave help when requested. Dr H. L. K. Whitehouse who dealt with F. Y. Brocas's Herbarium at Saffron Walden, supplied me with the list of Essex specimens there. Dr K. J. Adams has provided many records and has done much searching for older records. Eric Saunders would have enjoyed working with me on the final stages of this flora. It would have been a better one with his help. References Boulger, G. S. (1891). Ezekiel George Varenne of Kelvedon. Essex Nat, 5: 42-44. Braithwaite, R. (1896-1905). British Moss Flora. 3 Vols. (L. Reeve & Co.). Buxton, E. N. (1911). Epping Forest. 179 pp. Stanford.