A BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF ESSEX 95 19: Tiptree Heath, 1926, St J.M.; by stream. Bailey Hills, nr. Farnham, 1961, E.S.; by ditch, Epping Lower Forest, 1964, E.S. Calypogeia arguta Nees & Mont. 18: Norsey Wood, Billericay, 1958, F.R. & B.T.W.; side of ditch, nr. Clay Ride, Epping Forest. 1959, E.S.; Gernon Bushes, 1960, E.S.; ditches. High Woods, Ingatestone, 1962, E.S.; Ongar Park Wood, 1967, S.T.L.; Hainault Forest, 1967, K.J.A. 19: Tiptree Heath, 1926, St J.M.; Stour Woods, 1961, E.S.; Epping Lower Forest, 1964, E.S.; Great Leighs, 1967, K.J.A. Lophoziaceae Lophozia ventricosa (Dicks.) Dum. 18: in a bog nr. Copthall, Epping Forest, 1800, E.F.; in a bog nr. Loughton, 1800, E.F.; plentiful, Epping Forest, 1950, R.A.B.; Ambersbury Banks, Epping Forest, 1958, E.S.; plentiful by roadside between Wake Arms and Theydon Bois, 1960, E.S.; roadside. Jack's Hill, Epping Forest, 1967, K.J.A.; High Beach, Epping Forest, 1967, K.J.A. Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dum. 18: nr. bog between Salter's Buildings & the Windmill, Epping Forest; nr. gravel pits, Epping Forest, 1800, E.F.; deep ditch on Theydon golf course (c.fr.), 1962, E.S. 19: damp loamy path, Stour Wood, Wrabness, 1955, F.R.; Fingringhoe Wick Nature Reserve, 1963, A.J.P. & E.S. Lophozia, capitata (Hook.) K. Mull. 19: Wet peaty ground among Juncus acutiflorus, West Berg- holt Heath, 1957, F.R, Lophozia bicrenata (Schmidt.) Dum. 18: Woodham Walter Common, 1965, E.S. 19: sandpit, by road nr. Wicken Bonhunt, 1960, A.J.P. & E.S. Leiocolea turbinata (Raddi) Buch 18: Grays & Purfleet, 1926, St J.M.; chalk pits, Grays & Pur- fleet, 1959, E.S. 19: Catmere End Road, Audley End, 1874. F.Y.B; by stream under B.1052 road nr. Saffron Walden, 1959, E.S. Leiocolea badensis (Gottsche) Jorg. 18: chalk pit, Grays, 1963, E.S. Barbilophozia attenuata (Mart.) Loeske 18: Monk Wood, Epping Forest, 1962, E.S.