100 THE ESSEX NATURALIST PORELLACEAE Porella platyphylla (L.) Lindb. 19: Kelvedon; Colchester, c. 1861, E.G.V.; tree on the hill between church and town of Ashdon; roadside about Wimbish; Pounce Wood; fir plantation by the roadside between Little- bury Green and the main road from Wenden to Wenden Lofts, 1874, F.Y.B. Great Canfield. 1923, E.A.; Saffron Walden, 1926, St J.M.; Hawk Wood nr. Braxted; wood nr. Matching Lake, 1959, E.S.; roadside under beeches, nr. Audley End, 1960, E.S.; on ash trees nr. Manuden, 1962, E.S. Lejeunaceae Lejeunea cavifolia (Ehrh.) Lindb. 19: Kelvedon, 1861 (wrongly recorded as Nardia scalaris. Specimen in Passmore Edwards Museum); Chaulkney Wood, 1942, P.W.R. & E.F.W.; small scrap on old stump, Great Bendish Wood, 1967, K.J.A., A.J.H. & P.J.W. Frullania dilatata (L.) Dum. 18: (In C.C.2, no specimen traced; among moss on ant hills, Fairmead Bottom, Epping Forest, 1800, E.F. identified in error as F. tamarisci (specimen checked 1967, J. A. Paton)). 19: Kelvedon, 1860, E.G.V.; on willow tree following course of stream nr. Wenden; on trees by road from Little Walden road to Great Chesterford Common; on trees about Sewards End, Wimbish, 1874, F.Y.B.: Lower Epping Forest, 1926, St J.M.; Saffron Walden, 1926, St J.M.; on trees in small quantity with Leucdon sciuroides, Pincey Brook, 1960, E.S.; on maple, Ulting, 1967, A.J.H. & P.J.W. MUSCI Sphagnales Sphagnum palustre L. 18: nr. Walthamstow, 1800, E.F.: Epping; Norton Heath, 1843, Sidebottom; nr. Chelmsford, 1845, A.G.; Woodham Walter, 1863, Warley Common, 1866, E.G.V.; Theydon, Horrell; between Theydon and Wake Arms, J.L.E.; Loughton, Mill Green Com- mon; Linguard Common; Galleywood Common; Little Baddow Common, 1906; Theydon Bois, 1910, F.J.C.: Jack's Hill, Epping Forest, 1960, E.S.; Thorndon Park, 1960, E.S.; Mill Green, 1961, E.S.; Galleywood Common; Woodham Walter, 1962, E.S.; Cuckoo Pits, 1967, B.T.W. 19: W. Bergholt Heath; Pod's Wood, 1860, E.G.V.; Lodge Road, Epping Forest, 1960, E.S.