114 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Phascum cuspidatum var. curvisetum (Dicks.) Nees & Hornsch. 19: sandy field by R. Stour, nr. Wrabness, 1961, E.S. Phascum floerkeanum Web. & Mohr 19: stubble field, above railway tunnel, road from Littlebury to Littlebury Green; stubble field, chalk pit at Littlebury Green, 1960, E.S. Acaulon muticum (Hedw.) C. Mull. 18: (on a bank in the lane from Hoe Street to Markhouse Field, Walthamstow, 1800, E.F.) 19: Queen's Wood, Great Leighs, 1845, A.G.; Skippers Island, 1958, B.T.W.; by the bend in steep hill, Upshire; roadside bank, Little Sampford, 1959, E.S. Cinclidotus mucronatus (Brid.) Mach. 18: Writtle, 1906, F.J.C.; on cement bridge by ford, Sandon, 1959, E.S.; bridge over R. Roding, Chigwell, 1967 B.T.W. 19: Great Bardfield, 1844, Borrer; tree, meadow at Widforth; Great Bardfield, 1876, E.G.V.; plentiful along Pincey Brook, north of Matching, 1960, E.S.; opposite Hassobury School, 1961, E.S. Barbula convoluta Hedw. 18: nr. Hale End, Epping Forest, 1800, E.F.; Weald Park, 1958, A.J.P.; Thorndon Park, Brentwood, 1959, K.A. & A.J.P.; gravel pits, nr. Grays, 1959, E.S.; Churchyard, Bradwell-on-Sea; by Wake Arms Inn, Epping Forest, 1960, E.S. 19: In fields nr. Quendon; Newport, 1800, E.F.; railway bank opposite Saffron Walden Union, 1874, F.Y.B.; chalk pit, Little- bury Green, 1960, E.S. Barbula convoluta var. commutata (Jur.) Husnot 18: (Southend, 1917, W.R.S.) 19: under beech trees, stubble field, Audley End, 1960, E.S.; roadside, Epping Lower Forest; roadside nr. Great Chesterford, 1961, E.S. Barbula unguiculata Hedw. 18: on a wall, Greenleaf Lane, 1800, E.F.; nr. Chelmsford, 1845, A.G.; Epping Forest, 1885, J.L.E.; Thorndon Park, Brent- wood, 1958, K.A. & A.J.P.; Weald Park; Fryerning Churchyard, 1958, A.J.P.; bridge over R. Roding, Chigwell (c. fr.), 1967, B.T.W. 19: nr. Quendon: Rickling; Widdington, 1800, E.F.; Kelve- don!, 1860. E.G.V.; Copford, 1882, E.G.V.; Dovercourt, 1905, W.R.S.; roadside, Little Hallingbury, 1960, E.S.