A BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF ESSEX 115 Barbula unguiculata var. cuspidata (Schulz) Brid. 18: (Rainsford End, Chelmsford, 1906, F.J.C. (not in C.C. and no specimen traced.) 19: gravel pits, Fishers Green; roadside, Sergeant's Green, Epping Forest, 1960, E.S. Barbula revoluta Brid. 19: Oyn's Brook Bridge, Messing, 1860, E.G.V.; Kelvedon Church, 1863, E.G.V.; old walls, Manuden; wall at Audley End, by Ring Hill Camp, 1960, E.S. Barbula hornschuchiana Schulz 18: by R. Roding, Chigwell, 1967, K.J.A. 19: Colchester Castle, 1864, E.G.V.; roadsides, especially be- tween Audley End and Littlebury, and the road to Little and Great Chesterford, 1874, F.Y.B.; nr. Foundry, Walton Marshes, 1957, C.C.T.; gravel path nr. Downhall School, nr. Matching; chalky field nr. Chrishall Church, 1959, E.S. Barbula fallax Hedw. 18: nr. Chelmsford, 1845, A.G.; Epping Forest, 1885, J.L.E.; Thorndon Park, Brentwood, 1958, K.A. & A.J.P.; Weald Park, Fryerning Churchyard, 1958, A.J.P.; chalk pit, Grays (c. fr.), 1959, E.S. & B.T.W; roadside, Berwick Lane, nr. Ongar (c. fr.), 1962, E.S.; walls nr. Danbury Church, 1967, A.J.P. 19: Braxted, 1860; Kelvedon, 1861; Tiptree Heath, 1862; Yeldham, 1865, E.G.V.; by railway bridge over the road from Audley End to Catmere End; on banks of the road by Bartlow Station, 1874, F.Y.B.: on ground, Epping Forest, 1884; gravel pit, Thaxted, 1886, H.N.D.; Dovercourt, 1905, W.R.S.; Matching Airfield, 1959, E.S. & B.T.W.; roadside, Little Hallingbury, 1960; roadside between Epping and Epping Green, 1962,. Sergeant's Green, Epping Forest, 1963, E.S. Barbula rigidula (Hedw.) Milde 18: bridge over river at Sandon, 1959, E.S. 19: tree, Kelvedon Meadows, 1873; piles in river, Kelvedon, 1876, E.G.V.; wall, Little Bardfield, 1898, H.N.D.; Tollesbury Church, 1957, A.J.P.; station wall, Newport; on old garden walls by road, Quendon, 1959, E.S. Barbula trifaria (Hedw.) Mitt. 18: (cliffs by sea, Southend, A.G.) 19: side of R. Stort, west of Roydon, 1959; at water level, Harlow Mill lock, 1960; bridge over R. Blackwater, Kelvedon, 1960; by old bridge, Debden Lake, 1961, E.S. Barbula tophacea (Brid.) Mitt. 18: gravel pits, Grays, (c.fr.), 1959; wet ground, Ongar Park Woods, 1961, E.S.