126 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Zygodon forsteri (Brid.) Mitt. 18: felled tree nr. Chapel End Lane, Walthamstow, undated, E.F. (B.M.); Monks Wood, Epping Forest, 1882 & 1892, E.M.H.; nr. Wake Arms, Epping Forest, 1884, H.N.D.; Epping Forest, 1912, Mrs A. Thompson (K.); beech trees, Monks Wood, Epping Forest, 1913, H.N.D.; Epping Forest, 1919. Hall, (E.N.19); Epping Forest, J.R. 1924, (E.N.21). Orthotrichum anomalum Hedw. 18: wall of garden, Walthamstow, 1800, E.F.; Fryerning churchyard, 1958, A.J.P. 19: Feering, 1862; Halstead; Colchester; Kelvedon, 1866; Hatfield Forest, 1873, E.G.V.; blocks of stone by roadside, Wen- den Lofts; brick walls by stream through Lord Braybrooke's Gardens, 1874, F.Y.B.; Old Harlow Churchyard, 1958, E.S.; gar- den wall, Matching Green, 1959, A.J.P., J.H.G.P. & E.S.; Easton Lodge, Dunmow; concrete wall of drainage pond nr. Littlebury Green, 1960, E.S.; concrete wall by stream at roadside, nr. Steeple Bumstead, 1960, J.H.G.P. & E.S.; concrete wall by stream nr. Wimbish, 1961, E.S.; Pyes Bridge, nr. Felsted, 1967, K.J.A. Orthotrichum cupulatum Brid. 19: concrete wall by stream below level, nr Helions Bump- stead, 1960; on concrete by Pincey Brook, north of Matching Green, 1960, E.S. Orthotrichum affine Brid. 18: nr. Chelmsford, 1845, A.G.; Writtle, 1898, H.N.D.; con- crete wall below road level and by stream nr. Margaretting, 1962; on beech tree in Broadstrood, Epping Forest, 1964, E.S. 19: Kelvedon, 1860, E.G.V.; trees by stream between Wen- den Lofts and Wenden; tree Wimbish road, 1874; F.Y.B.: wood nr. Wicken, 1876, E.G.V. Alresford, 1876. E.G.V.; Hatfield Forest, 1890, E.M.H.; on elders by Beechey Ride, between Saffron Wal- den and Newport, 1961; on elders by Bourne Brook, nr. Farn- ham, 1961; on elms by R. Cam, north of Saffron Walden, 1961: on willow by Roman River, Birch Hall, Layer de la Haye, 1961, E.S. Orthotrichum striatum Hedw. 18: (Walthamstow, 1800, E.F. nr. Chelmsford, 1845, A.G.). 19: (W. Halstead. 1860, E.G.V.). Orthotrichum lyelii Hook & Tayl. 18: (Epping Forest, 1898, H.N.D.). 19: (wood, Copford, 1863; Felix Hall Woods, 1864; wood at Messing, 1868, E.G.V.; trees by roadside nr. Wenden; on one tree on the Wimbish road; Bendish Wood; in a wood joining