128 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Fontinalaceae Fontinalis antipyretica Hedw. 18: nr. Chelmsford, 1845, A.G.; Epping Forest, 1885, J.L.E.; Wake Valley Pond, Epping Forest, 1959, E.S. 19: pond, Allshots Farm, Kelvedon; Springfield, 1860, E.G.V.: Wimbish Hall; pool by green lane from Wimbish Hall to Sewerds End; pond, Pounce Wood; stream from Little Walden towards Great Chesterford Common, 1874, F.Y.B.; stream south of Match- ing Green, 1959; R. Lea, Waltham Abbey, 1959; pond, Epping Long Green (c.fr.), 1960, E.S. Ulting, 1967, A.J.H. & P.J.W. Climaciaceae Climacium dendroides (Hedw.) Web. & Mohr 18: (Recorded by W.R.S. 1931). Cryphaeceae Cryphaea hetermalla (Hedw.) Mohr 18: (on a maple in Loughton Street nr. small mound, 1800, E.F.) 19: on trees nr. Shortgrove, Newport, 1800, E.F.; on tree leading from Little Boynton Hall Farm, nr. Chelmsford, 1845, A.G.; White Notley, 1860; Kelvedon, 1862, E.G.V.; osier bed by water meadows, Littlebury: wood by Little Walden Park, 1874, F.Y.B.; on elder, Hatfield Forest, 1965, K.J.A. & A.J.H. Leucodontaceae Leucodon sciuroides (Hedw.) Schwaeg. 18: (on trees, nr. Chingford Hatch, Epping Forest, 1800, E.F.; nr. Chelmsford, 1845, A.G.; Hazeleigh, 1890, E.M.H.) 19: Messing; Pleshey, 1860, E.G.V.; common nr. Saffron Walden; on willows, nr. Wicken Bonhunt, 1874, F.Y.B.; on maple trees, Epping Lower Forest, 1885, J.L.E.; on trees by Pincey Brook, north of Matching, 1960, E.S. Antitrichia curtipendula (Hedw.) Brid. 18: (on a tree between Bald Faced Stag and Monkhams, Epp- ing Forest, 1800, E.F.) 19: (wood between Great Chesterford Common and Little Walden Park; Bendish Wood, 1874, F.Y.B.) Neckeraceae Leptodon smithii (Hedw.) Mohr 18: ("gathered by Mr. Dillwyn nr. Walthamstow", John Sowerby. This specimen was figured in English Botany, 1804.)