A BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF ESSEX 133 Drepanocladus fluitans (Hedw.) Warnst. 18: Thos. Warner's gravel pits nr. Woodford Row, Epping Forest; pond in Greenleaf Lane; Walthamstow Marshes, 1800, E.F.; nr. Chelmsford, 1845, A.G.; var. falcatum (B.S. & G.) Warnst. Warley Common, 1866, E.G.V.; Loughton; Warley Common, 1906, F.J.C.; Gernon Bushes, 1957, E.S.; Goldings Hill Pond, 1959, A.J.P. & B.T.W.; Thorndon Park, Brentwood, 1959, K.A. & A.J.P.; Alexandra Waters, Wanstead Flats, 1961, B.T.W. 19: (Kelvedon, 1860: Tiptree Heath, 1861, E.G.V.) Drepanocladus exannulatus (B.C. & G.) Warnst. 18: nr. Menyanthes bog, 1800, E.F.; Cuckoo Pits, Chingford, 1860, E.G.V.; still present, 1959, E.S.; Warley Common; Galley- wood Common, 1860, E.G.V.; gravel pit, Epping Forest, 1885, J.L.E.; Epping Forest, 1905, W.R.S.; nr. Earl's Path, High Beach, Epping Forest; nr. Rising Sun, Walthamstow; Mill Green Common, 1906, F.J.C.; Leyton, Epping Forest; submerged in a gravel pit, High Beach; Walthamstow, 1906, F.J.C. 19: Tiptree Heath: Norton Heath: W. Bergholt Heath: 1860, E.G.V.; Epping Lower Forest, 1959, E.S. Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedw.) Warnst. 18: on concrete wall by stream below road level, nr. Margaret- ting, 1962, E.S. 19: (Tiptree Heath, 1860, E.G.V.) Hygrohypnum luridum (Hedw.) Jennings 19: sides of locks, R. Stort, Roydon, 1959, E.S.; on bank close to Debden Lake, 1959 E.S. Acrocladium stramineum (Brid.) Rich & Wall. 18: (Woodham Walter Common, 1862, E.G.V.; Walthamstow, nr. Rising Sun, 1906, F.J.C.) 19: (W. Bergholt Heath, 1862, E.G.V.) Acrocladium cordifolium (Hedw.) Rich. & Wall. 18: margin of Wake Valley Pond; Thrift Wood; wood by Ship Inn, Galleywood, 1845, A.G.; Epping Forest, 1885, J.L.E.; Epping Forest, 1931, W.R.S.; by ponds, Ongar High Wood, 1959, E.S. & B.T.W.; still present, 1967, S.T.L. Wake Valley Pond, 1960, E.S.; brick pits, Chipping Ongar, circa 1960, P.J.W. 19: wood at Totham, 1861, E.G.V.: Epping Lower Forest pond, 1960, E.S.; still present, 1967, K.J.A. Acrocladium giganteum (Schp.) Rich. & Wall. 19: A quaternary subfossil record from peat deposit in brick pit at Lexden, between Colchester and Lexden (TL978253), with Cratoneuron filicinum, identified by J. H. Dickson).