136 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Brachythecium rivulare B.S. & G. 18: Cobbin's Brook on prostrate stumps, 1885, J.L.E.; Nor- sey Wood, Billericay, 1958, J.R., F.R & B.T.W. 19: Chaulkney Wood, 1860-1867, E.G.V.; Hatfield Forest, 1890, E.M.H.; nr. Spellbrook on bridge by R. Stort, 1959, E.S. Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) B.S. & G. 18: Walthamstow, 1800, E.F.; nr. Chelmsford, 1845, A.G.; Woodham Walter, 1860, E.G.V.; Epping Forest, 1885, J.L.E.; Writtle; Broomfield, 1898, H.N.D.; Norsey Wood, Billericay, 1958, F.R. & B.T.W.; Thorndon Park, Brentwood, 1958, K.A. '& A. J.P.; Coptfold Woods, Margaretting, 1958, A. J.P.; chalk pit, Grays, 1959, E.S.; Poors Piece, Nature Reserve, 1967, R.M. 19: Kelvedon, 1860, E.G.V.; Hatfield Forest, 1890, E.M.H.; Dovercourt, 1905, W.R.S.; Hatfield Forest, 1958, A.J.P. Brachythecium populeum (Hedw.) B.S. & G. 18: between Epping New Rd. and Wake Rd., Epping Forest, 1967, K.J.A.; Green Ride, Staples Hill, Epping Forest, 1967, S.T.L. 19: concrete wall by Bourne Brook, roadside near Farnham. 1961, E.S. Scleropodium caespitosum (Wils.) B.S. & G. 19: concrete wall by Bourne Brook, roadside, nr. Farnham, 1961, E.S. Scleropodium tourretii (Brid.) L. K. Koch 18: in open parts of Epping Forest, 1800. E.F.; Little Bad- dow Common, 1845, A.G.; Epping Forest, 1931, W.R.S. 19: base of beech, roadside, Audley End, 1960, E.S. Cirriphyllum piliferum (Hedw.) Grout 18: nr. Epping, 1885, J.L.E.; Norsey Wood, Billericay, 1958. F.R. & B.T.W.; woods, Mill Green, 1964, E.S. 19: Bligh's Wood, Springfield, 1845, A.G.; Kelvedon; Dony- land, 1860; banks of R. Colne, nr. Wivenhoe, 1863, E.G.V.; Hales Wood; Pebble Wood, Saffron Walden. 1874, F.Y.B.; Hatfield Forest, 1890, E.M.H.; Matching Airfield, 1959, E.S.; Hales Wood, Saffron Walden, 1967, K.J.A. Cirriphyllum crassinervium (Tayl.) Loeske & Fleisch. 19: Hatfield Forest, 1890, E.M.H.; base of tree by stream, Brick Farm, nr. Newport, 1959; base of trees, Pincey Brook, from north of Matching Green to Harlow, 1959; concrete wall by roadside stream, Wimbish, 1961; Roman River nr. Abberton Reservoir, 1962, E.S.