A BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF ESSEX 139 Rhynchostegiella tenella (Dicks.) Limpr. 18: nr. Chelmsford, 1845, A.G.; Epping Forest, 1931, W.R.S.; churchyard, Woodham Walter, 1960 E.S.; High Beach Church, (c.fr.), 1961, R.M.P.; still there, 1967, K.J.A. 19: Inworth, 1861, E.G.V.; Ring Hill Wood, Audley End, 1874, F.Y.B.; Roydon Churchyard, 1959; Magdalen Laver churchyard, 1959; bridge over Pincey Brook, north of Matching (c.fr.), 1960; tree trunk, Pincey Brook, nr. Harlow, 1960; Manuden churchyard, 1960; on stones, Audley End, (c.fr.), 1960, E.S. Entodon concinnus (De Not) Paris 19: (on waste chalk by the railway bank and bridge over the Catmere End road nr. Audley End; by the roadside with Thuidium philibertii, a little past the tunnel on the road from Littlebury to Littlebury Green, 1874, F.Y.B.) Pseudoscleropodium purum (Hedw.) Fleisch. 18: in hedges and woods, Epping Forest, 1800, E.F.; Lough- ton; Ramsden Heath, 1845, A.G.; Galleywood Common, 1882, E.G.V.; Monk Wood, Epping Forest, 1885, J.L.E.; Hazeleigh, 1890, E.M.H.; Galleywood Common, 1898, H.N.D.; Southend, 1901, Read; Ockendon Farm chalk pit, 1957, C.N.T.; Thorndon Park, Brentwood, 1958, K.A. & A.J.P.; Woodham Walter Com- mon, 1958, A.J.P. 19: Kelvedon, 1860, E.G.V.; grassy chalk pit nr. Strethall; sparingly in two of the fir plantations between Newport, Wicken and Wendon, 1874, F.Y.B.; Hatfield Forest, 1890, E.M.H.; Hat- field Forest, 1958, A.J.P.; gravel diggings by Debden Brook, nr. Newport, 1961, E.S. Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. 18: hedge, Loughton, 1800, E.F.; Loughton; Mill Green; nr. Chelmsford, 1845, A.G.; Galleywood Common, 1862; Woodham Walter Common, 1863, E.G.V.: Epping Forest, 1885, J.L.E.; Thorndon Park, Brentwood, 1958, K.A. & A.J.P.; Gernon Bushes, 1959, E.S.; Staples Hill, Loughton, 1960. R.M.P. & E.S.; back of Robin Hood, Epping Forest, 1961, E.S. 19: Tiptree Heath, 1860, E.G.V.; heathy ground, Chantry Wood, Wickham Bishops, 1963; close to old Stump Road, Epping Lower Forest, 1963, E.S. Isopterygium seligeri (Brid.) Dix. ex C. Jens 19: rotten fallen tree trunk, wet place by lake, Stanway Hall, 1953, T.L.