GRID REFERENCE GAZETTEER 149 Gosfield Lake barrier (52/77, 29) Gravel Pits pond, Loughton, see Ep. For. Grays (v), 51/67NW Grays, chalk pit (v) many in 51/67 NW and 51/57NE Grays, gravel pits off Southend Rd. not traced Great Baddow, 52/72, 04 Great Bardfield, 52/67, 30 Great Bendish Wood (52/61, 40) Great Bog, the, see Ep. For. Great Braxted, 52/86, 14 Great Canfield, 52/59, 18 Great Chesterford, chalk pit (v), see Gt. Chesterford Great Chesterford Common, see 21/2" map, 52/54, 43 Great Chesterford, Corporal Hill. not traced, 52/54SW Great Hallingbury church and school, 52/51, 19 Great Leighs (52/74, 18) Great Leighs, Queen's Wood, see Queen's Wood Great Maplestead churchyard (52/ 80, 34) Great Monk Wood, see Ep. For. Great Sampford, sand pit, 52/64, 35 Great Tey. 52/89, 25 Great Totham, 52/86, 13 and 85, 11 Great Warley, Holdens Wood, 51/59, 91 Green Leaves Lane, see Waltham- stow. Green Ride, see Ep. For. H Hadleigh Wood (Great Wood?), 51/81, 87? Hadstock airfield, 52/55, 43 Hagger Lane, woods near, see under Walthamstow Hainault, 51/45, 91 Hainault Forest, see Chapman & Andre, 1777, for former extent. Used to stretch from Woodford Bridge, in the west to Pagnall corner in the south, 51/47, 93 Hainault, Hog Hill pond—now 'the lake' on 21/2" map (see Chapman & Andre), 51/47, 92 Hale Brinks, see Ep. For. Hale End Bog, see Ep. For. Hale End Road, see 6" map or 'A' to 'Z', 51/38, 91 Hales Wood (Great), 52/57, 40 Hales Wood (Little), 52/57, 40 Halstead, 52/81, 30 Hangboy Slade, see Ep. For. Hanningfield Reservoir, 51/73, 98 Hanningfield Reservoir, Crowsheath Farm, 51/71, 97 Harlow Lock Gates (now destroyed) (52/47, 12) Harlow Mill, 52/47, 12 Harlow (Old) church (52/47, 11) Harlow. Pincey brook (52/48, 12) Hart's Grove, Broxted, see 21/2" map, 52/58, 28 Hassobury School, 52/48, 25 Hatfield Forest (v), 52/52SW and 52/51NW Hatfield Forest, Emblem's Coppice (52/52, 18). Hatfield Forest, the lake, 52/54, 19 Hatfield Heath, 52/52, 14 Hatfield Peverel, in wood near (v), 52/71 or 52/81 Hatfield Peverel, Sandford's Farm, 52/80, 11 Havering Plain, small wood (over- grown gravel pits on the east side of Curtis plantation, see 21/2" map) (51/54, 94) Hawk Wood, Broxted, not traced Hazeleigh, 52/80SW Hazel's Wood, near Strethall, not traced Helions Bumpstead, 52/65, 41 Henham, 52/54, 28 Hickmore Fen Wood, see 6" map. 52/88, 27 Higham Hill, see Walthamstow High Beach, see Ep. For. High Beach church, see Ep. For. High Easter, 52/62, 14 High Laver churchyard (52/52, 08)