158 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Aglais urticae Linn. (Small Tortoiseshell). Common in gardens and areas 4 and 5. Less Common in 1967. Nymphalis io Linn. (Peacock). Common in gardens and areas 4 and 5. Thecla quercus Linn. (Purple Hairstreak). Never seen as an imago in the wild but larvae were found on Oak trees at the edge of areas 1 and 2 in every year in which they were looked for (1960, 61, 62, 65 and 67). Pieris rapae Linn. (Small White). Common in all areas except 1. Especially common in 1967. Pieris napi Linn. (Green-veined White). Common in all areas except 1. Euchloe cardamines Linn. (Orange Tip). Quite scarce but regularly seen in areas 4, 5 and 6. Thymelicus sylvestris Pod. (Small Skipper), Thymelicus lineola Ochs. (Essex Skipper) and Ochlodes venata (Large Skipper). These three species are common every year in areas 4 and 5. They were absent from area 3 while it was a golf course but were com- mon again in 1967. (c) Irregularly Occurring Species Polygonia c-album Linn. (Comma). This species is subject to quite large national population fluctuations. The study area seems to be a marginal habitat, being colonized only at times of national abundance. Very common in 1953 but almost completely absent since. Gonepteryx rhamni Linn. (Brimstone). Not common in sur- rounding areas and yet occasional specimens have been seen. One in 1958 and another in 1960, both in area 4. As far as I know the larval foodplant (Rhamnus spp.) is not found in the study area. Celastrina argiolus Linn. (Holly Blue). The study area also appears to be a marginal habitat for this species. It was common in neighbouring areas in 1959 and a few were seen in areas 3 and 5 in 1959 and 1960. None have been seen since. (d) Species Now Extinct Polyommatus icarus Rott. (Common Blue). Fairly common in areas 4 and 5 from 1952-59. It disappeared from area 3 when the golf course was made and never returned. It became scarce generally in 1960 and has not been seen since 1964. Lycaena phlaeas Linn. (Small Copper). Fairly common in areas 4, 5 and 6 until 1963-64 when it became scarce. It has not been seen since 1965. Erynnis tages Linn. (Dingy Skipper). Present in area 4 in 1956. None have been seen since. Pyrgus malvae Linn. (Grizzled Skipper). Present in area 4 until 1960, none seen since 1961.