PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS IN BILLERICAY, ESSEX 163 Xanthogramma pedissequum E. arbustorum L. Harris E. nemorum. L. Scaeva pyrastri L. Merodon equestris F. Syrphus ribesii L. Myiatropa florea L. S. vitripennis Mg. Helophilus pendulus L. S. eligans Harris H. hybridus Loew S. corollae F. Xylota segnis L. S. luniger Mg. Syritta pipiens L. Eumerus tuberculatus Rond. Reference Coe, R. L. (1953). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects, 10, 2. Diptera, Syrphidae. Pleistocene Deposits at Billericay, Essex By W. J. French with an Appendix on Temporary Exposures at Rayleigh By J. T. Greensmith Contents PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................... 163 2. THE PEBBLE GRAVEL ........................... 165 3. GLACIAL DEPOSITS ................................ 170 4. DISCUSSION ............................................ 171 REFERENCES ......................................... 172 APPENDIX ............................................. 172 Abstract Recent temporary excavations at Billericay have provided several ex- cellent sections through the Pleistocene and Eocene deposits of the district. These include sections through previously unmapped glacial deposits and through the local Pebble Gravel. Introduction Billericay stands at the southern limit of Pleistocene glaciation and on the high ground immediately north of the enigmatic, almost driftless Crouch valley. In the town itself the early Pleistocene Pebble Gravel overlies Bagshot Sands and caps relatively high ground. At slightly lower levels are representatives of the older of two local glacial phases (known as the Hanningfield Till, Clayton, 1957). These rest directly on London Clay. Recent building in this evidently geologically important area has given many excellent temporary sections through all the local deposits.