PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS IN BILLERICAY, ESSEX 169 tains fragments of ironstone and locally the ironstone formation post-dates the small-scale faulting. The extremely sharp breaks made by the faults seem to imply that the Bagshots were much more competent than they are now—a toughening that may perhaps be attributed to perma-frost conditions. At locality 2 excavations showed a channel almost identical in shape, size, orientation and content with that described above. It is just conceivable that the two sections showed the same channel. Here, however, a discontinuous more sandy layer divided upper sandy gravel from lower more clay-rich gravel (Fig. 3B). Marginal to the channel were thinner pocketed gravel deposits and nearby (at Sun Corner) the Bagshots are overlain by but a few inches of gravel. At locality 3, the eastern edge of Billericay Hill, excavations covered an area of about 100 by 30 yards (91 by 27 m) (Fig. 3C) and again exposed gravel and Bagshot Sands. At the higher, western end of the excavations, gravel pockets up to 6 feet (1.8 m) in depth and 40 feet (12 m) across were let into the sands. The largest pocket carried a 3 feet (.9 m) thick clay band with few pebbles. This band expanded laterally such that the gravel was replaced by a mass of clay containing two lenticles of gravel. The latter measured 20 feet (6 m) across and were up to 9 inches (23 cm) thick. Immediately below the gravel the Bagshots were disrupted—ironstone bands were broken for example—and the reworked rubble was mixed with scattered flint pebbles. Below this mixed zone the Bagshots were horizontal but further down- hill their bedding was seen to be gently undulating and one prominent clay band was dropped downhill by small normal Fig. 3. Sketch sections and plans of some of the temporary exposures. Pebble Gravel—coarse ornament, Bagshot Sands—fine stipple. A. Locality 1 (67479435). Section measures 80 by 12 feet (24 by 3.6 m). a. sandy lenticle, b. conspicuous Bagshot debris. B. Locality 2 (67509418). Section measures 30 by 9 feet (9 by 2.7 m). a. sandy lenticle, b. Bagshot sand in matrix, c. clay-rich gravel. C.1. Locality 3 (67609460). Plan. bc = 90 feet (27 m) and is north south. Base of gravel isopachytes at 2 feet (.6 m) intervals below present land surface. C.2. North-South section, be of Fig. 1. C.3. East-West section of C.1. and extension eastwards. D. Hanningfield Till succession around Stock Road Potash Road junction (68409690). Flint and chalk always present, dominant cobbles indicated. Total thickness 18 feet (5.5 m). E. Sketch section locality 7 (67789204). Showing relationship be- tween glacial gravel spreads and contortions in upper gravel. Section measures 30 by 8 feet (9 by 2.4 m).