196 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Museum), Clifford Owen and J. J. Heath (Colchester and Essex Museum), R. S. George (R.S.G.), D. Hunford (D.H.), A. B. Old (A.B.O.), M. Seear (M.S.), D. Scott (D.S.), and A. C. Wheeler (A.C.W.). As pointed out above our knowledge of the distribution and host range of the British species is poor and we shall be grateful for specimens. (The authors' addresses are as follows: (G.B.T.), 56 Beaumont Road, Cambridge. (R.J.K.), 23 Second Avenue, Billericay, Essex. Ed.) References Anon (1901). Ixodes hexagonus in human arm. Sci. Gossip, 8, n.s.: 82. Arthur, D. R. (1953). The host relationships of Ixodes hexagonus Leach in Britain. Parasitology, 43: 227-238, 3 figs. Arthur, D. R. (1963). British Ticks, Butterworths, London. Nuttall, G. H. F. (1916). Notes on ticks. IV. Relating to the genus Ixodes and including a description of three new species and two new varieties. Parasitology, 8: 294-337, 21 t—figs. Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1885). A contribution towards the knowledge of the Arachnida of Epping Forest. Trans. Essex Fld Club, 4(1): 45. Rowe, F. P. (1961). Ectoparasites found on Harvest-mice (Micromys minutus Hermann). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 137: 627. Shadbolt, G. (1845). On a British species of Ixodes found upon cattle. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 16: 64. Strickland, C, & Merriman, G. (1913) Report on rat fleas in Suffolk and North Essex. Parasitology. 6 : 16. Report of the Council for 1967 Membership The membership of the Club at 31st December 1967 stood at 255. This compares with 260 at the close of the preceding year. House List Mr B. T. Ward retired as President having completed three years in office. He was succeeded by Mr W. R. Masefield. Messrs D. Corke, A. G. Jones and W. Page retired from the Council as required by the rules. Thanks are due to these members for their past services to the Club. Mrs F. Hawkins and Messrs J. Caldwell, K. E. Hoy and M. T. Parker were elected as members of the