ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MAMMAL GROUP, 1967 199 Annual Report of the Mammal Group, 1967 The Mammal Group held twelve meetings during the year ranging over various subjects. Indoor meetings included a film meeting, a Club General Meeting on mammal recognition and the Group A.G.M. with members' notes and exhibits. Outdoor meetings began with a Bottle Hunt to collect small mammal remains from discarded bottles. This was quite successful and filled a number of gaps in the mammal records. There were two live mammal trapping meetings and a bat meeting to examine buildings which might be used as bat roosts. Three conservation meetings were held at Fingringhoe Wick when some Group members helped with clearing work on the Reserve. Records of mammals seen in Essex by other members of the Club have been forthcoming and are most encouraging. The year also saw the first issue of "Essex Mammal News" published by certain group members and to be offered on subscription to any one having an interest in Mammals in the county. The bulletin is independent and acts as a clearing house for news and views on Essex mammals and their study. It is hoped to see more of some of the new faces seen at Group meetings during the year, to boost the membership and to enable the Group to flourish and extend its study of Essex mammals. D. Scott, Secretary. Books Received Britain's Green Mantle. By A G. Tansley. Second edition, revised by M. C. F. Proctor. George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1968. 327 pages, 140 plates. 50/-. Nesting Birds, Eggs and Fledglings. By Winwood Reade and Eric Hos- king. Blandford Press. 1967. 275 pages, colour plates. 25/-. Plant Galls in Colour. By Arnold Darlington. Blandford Press. 1968. 191 pages, colour plates. 25/-. Field and Meadow Life. By Leif Lyneborg. Blandford Press. 1968. 164 pages, colour plates. 21/-. Out of the Wild. By Fred. J. Speakman. G. Bell & Sons. 1967. 163 pages. 15/-.