206 THE ESSEX NATURALIST 11. The Caryll Papers in the British Museum show quite definitely that from sometime in the spring of 1729 until midsummer 1730 Lord Petre was abroad first with Father Thomas Eccleston, olios Holland, and then with Father Edward Southcote, both Jesuits, as his tutor. See in particular Catherine Lady Petre's letter to John Caryll from Spa dated 27 June 1729. BM Add. MSS. 28, 228. f. 328. 12. BM Add. MSS. 28, 228. f. 354. Walton succeeded William Shimell as steward following the final discovery of the latter's defalcations. An account of Shimell's earlier career by Georgina Dawson is in the Essex Review, 1957: 29-34. 13. Essex Record Office. D/DP Z 14/10. Transcript of a list of servants at Thorndon 18 July 1742 from the Mannock Strickland Papers in the D. D. Blount MSS. now deposited for safe keeping in the Bodleian Library. 14. B.M. (Nat. Hist). Brewer Correspondence. f. 29v. Letter from Knowlton to Brewer, 13 October 1741. 15. Ibid. f. 84, letter from Knowlton to Brewer, 25 December 1741; and f. 6, letter from Collinson to Brewer, 22 June 1742. 16. Ibid. f. 84. 17. B.M. Add. MSS. 28, 726. ff. 99 and 48. Letters from Lord Petre to Collinson, 19 May 1741 and 22 August 1738. 18. The "Round House" was probably Fitzwalters in the parish of Shen- field and very close to Thorndon. It is marked as Fitzwalter, just north of the main road from Shenfield to Mountnessing, on Chap- man and Andre's Map, Plate XVII. Holman's MS. History of Shen- field c. 1720 (E.R.O. T/P 195/4 pp. 49-50) states: "The mansion house [of Fitzwalters] is situated near the King's High[way] on the Right side leading to Brentwood. It is vulgarly known by the name of Round House . . . from its forme being built after the Italian fashion by Dr Morecroft". At the period it was owned by a family of the name of Ambrose. (Morant. History of Essex. 1: 194.) The house was destroyed by fire in 1839. Information supplied by Miss Nancy Briggs of the Essex Record Office. 19. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. Bartram Papers. Letters from Lady Petre to Collinson, 14 July and 10 August 1743. 20. B.M. Add. Mss. 28, 726. ff. 142 and 144. 21. Miller irritated the Duke of Richmond by his delays in despatching plants from Thorndon. See letter from Richmond to Collinson, 6 March 1748. B.M. Add. MSS. 28, 727. f. 6. 22. B.M. Add. MSS. 28, 727. f. 10. 23. I am again indebted to Miss Nancy Briggs of the Essex Record Office for this identification as also for the location of Dagnams and for much other help. 24. Essex Recusant. 1: 109 seq. 25. Essex Recusant. 7 : 68. 26. Linnean Society of London. Collinson Commonplace Books, f. 208.