210 THE ESSEX NATURALIST 11,-12,000 positive species/square records. To date 95 of the squares have been visited and just over 3,000 of the spec./sq. records accounted for. The highest total so far is for 51/49NW with 91 species. On a 10 km sq basis, the level of recording chosen for the National Bryophyte Mapping Scheme, 51/49 has a total of 152 species and 4 others exceed 90, comparing favourably with square totals for north and east Kent (F. Rose et al.). Voucher specimens of critical taxa are kept for each square for later analysis, and rare or local species are localised in sufficient detail to enable them to be retraced if still surviving in later years. Particular attention is being paid to evidence of decline in abundance or reproductive capacity. A selection of the more interesting of the 1968-9 records is set out below, together with a number of older records which have come to light since 1967. Nomenclature and species order follows the Census Catalogues (Hepatics 4th Ed., Mosses 3rd Ed.) except where authors are given. As in the flora records for V.C. 18 and V.C. 19 are separately listed and each locality is further defined by a containing km square reference. The 100 km sq. codes have been omitted as in the case of Essex all the 4 figure references are unique. Essex Bryophyte Records, 1968-69 List of Recorders: J.M.A. (J. M. Adams), K.J.A. (K. J. Adams), J.G.D. (J. G. Duckett), M.O.H. (M. O. Hill), S.T.L. (S. T. Licence), E.S. (E. Saunders), E.C.W. (E. C. Wallace). Others are given in full in the text. Key to Records: *New Vice County Record. **New County Record. † Not previously recorded for 50 years. HEPATICAE Riccardia pinguis 19: marsh in gravel pit, Gt. Chesterford. H. L. K. Whitehouse 1959. (T.B.B.S. 1960.) Ptilidium pulcherrimum 18: on old knarled oak, nr. Twitty Fee, Woodham Walter. (79,06) K.J.A. 1968. Lepidozia reptans 19: Easton Lodge, Dunmow (59,24?) E.S. 1960. Calypogeia muellerana 19: plentiful, banks by Lodge Rd, St. Thomas's Quarters. Epping Forest (43,00) E.S. 1962 & K.J.A. 1969. Calypogeia fissa 18: Thorndon Park (62,91) K. L. Alvin 1969. Solenostoma, crenulatum var. gracillima 19: West Bergholt Heath, F. Rose 1957. (T.B.B.S.) 1961. Nardia scalaris 18: by pond, Church Rd., Buckhurst Hill. (40, 94) B. T. Ward. 1967.