A CONTEMPORARY BRYOPHYTE FLORA OP ESSEX 211 Chiloscyphus pallescens 18: damp woodland, S. Ockendon. (56, 82) M.O.H. 1968. 19: wooded valley, nr. Twinstead. (86,36) K.J.A. 1968. Cephaloziella starkei 18: Epping Forest. (40,98) & (43,99) K.J.A. 1968; High Woods, Writtle (64,02) K.J.A. 1968; brick pits, Ongar. (56,02) J.G.D. 1969. Scapania irrigua 18: marshy ground, Jack's Hill, Epping Forest. (43,99) K.J.A. 1969. Radula complanata 19: eleven localities to date, found in fruit at Margaret Roding. (60,11) K.J.A. 1968, and at Bartlow. (58,44) M.O.H. 1969. Porella platyphylla* 18: N.E. butress of Althorne church. (90, 98) M.O.H. 1968. Lejeunea cavifolia* 18: ash stump, damp woodland, S. Ocken- don. (56,82) M.O.H. 1968. 19: ash stump, with Radulla and Porella, Witney Wood. (58, 06) K.J.A. 1968; on ash, Park Wood. (70,39) M.O.H. 1968. Frullania dilatata 19: wooded valley nr. Twinstead. (86,35) J.M.A. 1968; Bartlow. (58,44); Pentlow churchyard, on elm. (81,46) M.O.H. 1969. MUSCI Sphagnum palustre 18: stream in felled area, Mores Wood. Navestock. (56,96): old gravel workings, Havering Plain. (54, 94) K.J.A. 1967. Sphagnum recurvum 18: old gravel workings, Havering Plain. (54,94) K.J.A. 1967. Sphagnum subsecundum var. inundatum 18: Blackweir Pond, Monk Wood, Epping Forest (42,97) K.J.A. 1968. Sphagnum subsecundum var. auriculatum 18: Mores Wood, Navestock. (56,96) K.J.A. 1967. 19: Norton Heath. (60,04) K.J.A. 1967. Sphagnum fimbriatum 18: Epping Forest. W. R. Sherrin. 1919. (specimen in B.B.S, herbarium). Polytrichum aloides† 19: by Lodge Road, St. Thomas's Quar- ters, Epping Forest. (43,00) J.M.A. 1969. Fissidens viridulus 19:c. fr., arable field, Molehill Green. (56,23) 1968; roadside bank, Terling. (76,15) K.J.A. 1969. Fissidens minutulus var. tenuifolius 18: c. fr., old chalk pit by A.13, Grays. (60,79) E.C.W. 1969. Fissidens cristatus 18: edge of old chalk pit, Grays. (60,78) J.M.A. 1969. Pleuridium subulatum* 18: Weald Park. (57,95) M.O.H. 1968. Ditrichum cylindricum* 18: Weald Park. (57,95); cornfield, Stondon Massey. (57,00) M.O.H. 1968; stubble field, Chigwell. (42,93) K.J.A. 1968. Seligeria paucifolia* 18: steep side of chalk pit, Grays. (59,79) J.G.D. 1969. Seligeria calcarea 18: old chalk pit, Grays. (59,79) M.O.H. 1968. Dicranella staphylina. Whitehouse** 18:19: this recently described species (T.B.B.S. 1969), which spreads by means of