212 THE ESSEX NATURALIST rhizoidal gemmae, has long been overlooked although com mon in Essex in arable fields, especially on London clay soils where it is often the most abundant bryophyte. Dicranella cerviculata 18: roadside, Church Lane, Buckhurst Hill. (40,94); Long Running, Epping Forest. (43,99) K.J.A. 1968. Dicranum montanum 18: on sweet chestnut stumps, apparently spreading, Thrift Wood, Woodham Mortimer. (80,05) K.J.A. & A. J. Harrington 1968. Dicranum strictum 18: High Wood, Ongar.—on birch log, (50,02) K.J.A. 1967 and on chestnut stumps, (49,02) W. J. Syratt. 1968. Leucobryum glaucum 18: Warley. (61,90) B. M. G. Jones. 1966. Tortula laevipila—scattered distribution on trees in both Vice Counties. A form, apparently of this species, found growing on gravel and tarmac paths. 19: at Saffron Walden (53,37); Stambourne. (72,38); Pent- low. (81,46) and Foxearth. (83,44) by M.O.H. 1968. Tortula standfordensis** 19: on recently disturbed chalky clay, Matching. (52,12). This is the first record for the county of this now rapidly spreading Californian species. K.J.A. 1968. Aloina ambigua 19: churchyard path, Stambourne. (72,38) M.O.H. 1968. Aloina aloides† 18: edge of disused chalk pit, Grays. (60,78) J.M.A. 1969. 19: churchyard path, Ashdon. (58,41) M.O.H. 1969. Pterygoneurum ovatum* 18: steep bank of chalk pit, Grays. (61,78) J.G.D. 1969. 19: field, Strethall. (49,40) M.O.H. 1968. Pottia lanceolata 19: chalk pit, Strethall. (49,39) M.O.H. 1969. Pottia heimii 19: widespread along R. Stour. T. Laflin 1969. Pottia bryoides 19: Strethall, (48,39); churchyard, Stambourne. (72,38) M.O.H. 1988; churchyard, Belchamp Walter. (82,40) M.O.H. 1969. Pottia recta 19: field, Strethall. (49,40) M.O.H. 1968. Phascum floerkeanum 19: chalky field, nr. Howe Wood. (49,40) M.O.H. 1968. Cinclidotus mucronatus 18: nr. Ongar. (56,02) M.O.H. 1968. 19: by R. Pant, Gt. Bardfield. (67,31) K.J.A. 1968. Barbula revoluta* 18: S. Weald. (57,93) M.O.H. 1968. Barbula acuta** 18: S. Stifford. (59,78) J.G.D. & B. O'Shea. 1969. Barbula trifaria† 18: c. fr. chalk pit, Grays. (59,79) J.G.D. 1969. Barbula tophacea 18: c. fr. High Woods,'Writtle. (64,02) K.J.A. 1968: c. fr. chalk pit, Grays. (59,79) J.G.D. 1969. Weissia controversa 18: Navestock. (54,98) M.O.H. 1968. Weissia crispa var. aciculata 18: N. Ockendon. (61,85) M.O.H. 1968. 19: Roxwell (62,06) K.J.A. 1968.