ESSEX CRANE-FLIES 217 were collected by F. C. Adams at Great Horkesley, North Essex, on 27 May and 7 August 1912. L. (L.) trivittata Schummel. In the swampy wood by the Stort Navigation at Harlow Mill, 12 June 1960 and 4 July 1964. L. (L.) macrostigma Schummel. Abundant in the swampy wood below the lake in Hatfield Forest, 14 October 1961. L. (Dicranomyia.) sera (Walker). Another species recorded for Essex by Edwards (1938), but there is no Essex specimen in the B.M. collection and the locality is not known. Dicranota bimaculata (Schummel). By a stream at Newport, 27 April 1963. Limnophila (Pilaria) discicollis (Meigen). In the marsh below the Lee Navigation at Little Hallingbury, 30 July 1960; Deb- den Water, Newport, 9 June 1962; Hatfield Forest, among Juncus, etc. at margin of lake, 10th July 1966. L. (P.) scutellata Staeger. With L. (P.) discicollis at Hatfield Forest lake, 10 July 1966. *Oxydiscus dalei Edwards. In a damp wood at Woodham Walter common, 17 August 1961; in the marsh below the Lee Navigation at Little Hallingbury, 30 July 1960. * Ellipteroides lateralis (Macquart). In marshy ground by a stream in the northern part of Hatfield Forest, 10 July 1966. *Gonomyia recta Tonnoir. In the swampy wood by the Stort Navigation at Harlow Mill, 12 June 1960. Erioptera (E.) trivialis Meigen. In water-meadows at Harlow, 25 May 1963; and at the lake margin in Hatfield Forest, 10 July 1966. *E. (Symplecta) hybrida (Meigen). Among Juncus, etc., at the margin of the lake in Hatfield Forest, 10 July 1966. Ormosia lineata (Macquart). Newport, by a stream, 23 and 27 April 1963. O. hederae (Curtis). Harlow, by sweeping Stinging Nettles under Hawthorn, 7 May 1966. TRICHOCERIDAE Trichocera annulata Meigen. Hatfield Forest, 14 October 1961. T. hiemalis (Degeer). On a wall at the edge of Epping Forest at Leyton, South Essex, 31 December 1960. ANISOPODIDAE *Anisopus cinctus F. Loughton, 16 April 1964; Epping Forest, North Essex, in a wet hollow, 29 January 1961. *A. fenestralis (Scopoli). Chingford, South Essex, April 1940. (J. F. Rogers, per L. Parmenter). *A. punctatus F. Loughton, 9 October 1960; Harlow, by sweep- ing in water-meadow, 7 May 1966. *Mycetobia pallipes Meigen. Epping Forest, 20 July 1920 (F. W. Edwards, specimen in B.M. coll.).