221 A Bryophyte Flora of Essex—Corrigenda By A. J. Pettifer P. 87. Delete "place" on second line. P. 90. Anthoceros laevis. For "Southend Road" substitute "A13". P. 90. Riccia warnstorfii. Delete "stubble field, Braintree, 1966, K.J.A.; Tilegate Green, Matching, 1967, K.J.A. and place under R. glauca 19. P. 91. Riccia sorocarpa. "B.S." should be "E.F." in first line. P. 92. Pellia neesiana-. For "18" substitute "18 or 19". Exact locality unknown. P. 94. Trichocolea tomentella. "Woodham Mortimer Com- mon, 1862, E.G.V.; and 1952, F.R. & B.T.W." should read "Woodham Mortimer Common, 1862, E.G.V.; Woodham Walter Common, 1952, F.R. & B.T.W." P. 96. Correct spellings: Nardia and Plagiochila. P. 96. Plagiochila asplenoides. "Abundant at Wimbish Hall, sparingly in a wood nr. Little Walden, 1874, F.Y.B.". Delete from 18 and place under 19. P. 96. Gymnocolea inflata. For "High Woods, Ingatestone" substitute "High Woods, Writtle". P. 117. Weissia microstoma, For "18" read "19". P. 117. Weissia controversa, "fields nr. Navestock Heath, 1959, E.S. & B.T.W." should be under 18 and not 19. P. 123. Mnium rugicum. Delete "Copped Hall Green, Upshire, 1958, E.S." P. 124. Mnium pseudopunctatum. Delete "on permanently damp brickwork of drain nr. Robin Hood, Epping Forest, 1963, E.S." P. 125. Philonotis fontana, For "1962" substitute "1862". P. 128. Correct spellings "Cryphaeaceae" and "C. heteromalla" P. 129. Leskea polycarpa, "side of Cobbin's Brook, Epping, 1885, J.L.E.". Delete from 18 and place under 19. P. 130. Anomodon viticulosus. "little Boyton Farm, 1845, A.G.". Delete under 18 and place under 19. P. 137. Eurynchium speciosum. Delete records 1959, E.S. and 1967, K.J.A. Add, 18: Sherrin 1931, C.C.3. P. 137. Eurynchium praelongum, "Broomfield, Pleshey, 1860, E.G.V." Delete under 18 and place under 19. P. 147. Ivy Chimneys. For 52/45,01 and 45,00 substitute 52/46,00. P. 149. For "Grays, gravel pits off Southend Road not traced," substitute "Grays, gravel pits off A13". P. 151. For "(High) Ongar Wood" substitute "Ongar, High Wood". P. 152. Rainsford End, Chelmsford. For "52/69,08" substitute "52/69,07, on 6" map".