226 THE ESSEX NATURALIST have become reduced. Storm surges are well known and the disastrous flooding of 1949 and 1953 were the result of such phenomena. When spring tides concur with deep depressional activity over the North Sea exceptional high tides are produced, with the resultant breaking of sea defences. These storm surges are documented as far back as 1552 (Brown, 1927). The alluvial deposits close to the coastline indicate regions where the sea, at spring tides and especially during storm surge conditions, was driven inland to inundate the marshes. Vast drowning of marsh- land and replenishment of lagoons with saline water is likely to have occurred with the concurrent distribution of the cockle from lagoon to lagoon. J. T. Greensmith and E. V. Tucker (personal communication) have located a bed of C. glaucum shells now some two miles inland north of Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex. These shells are regarded as a life assemblage and are found in the bank of a modern drainage ditch. The creation of sea defences no doubt effectively reduced the number of, and isolated, separate lagoon populations of C. glaucum. The most rational approach to the presence of C. glaucum round our south-eastern shores would be to consider the sites we know at present as remnants of a much wider distribution. With further reclamation and fresh water canalisation, this rare cockle will undoubtedly become even rarer; but not, I hope, before marine biologists recognise its specialised existence as one of the few lamellibranchs to invade and remain in stagnant brackish water. References Brown, E. (1927). An Essex Island Parish. Essex Review, 36: 176. Eisma, D. (1965). Shell-characteristics of Cardium edule L. as indicators of salinity. Netherl. J. Sea. Res.: 493-540. Grieve, H. (1959). The great tide. Essex County Council. Grossu, A. V. (1961). Variatiile lui Cardium edule L. Marea Neagra Hidrobiol, 3: 177-91. Hopner-Petersen, G. (1958). Notes on the growth and biology of the different Cardium species in Danish brackish water areas. Medd. Kornm. Pra. Danm. Fisk-og Havunders (N.S.), 11, 22: 1-31. Mars. P. (1951). Essai d'interpretation des formes generalement groupees sous le nom de Cardium edule L. Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Marseille, 11: 1-31. Robinson, A. H. W. (1953). The changing coastline of Essex. Essex Nat., 29: 79-93. Tebble, N. (1966). British Bivalve Seashells, 97-108, British Museum (Natural History).