227 Records of Siphonaptera (Fleas) collected from birds and mammals in Essex By Gordon B. Thompson George (1959) gave an excellent summary of the county flea records. Since then Phillips and Underwood (1961), Hopkins and Rothschild (1962, 1963) and Mead-Briggs (1964) have pub- lished additional records. The following new records are published because they add something to our knowledge of distribution and hosts and in the hope that more interest may be stimulated in a relatively neglected field in the county. Following the publication of George's paper (1959) he received a number of specimens from the following: Messrs G. E. Barnes, J. R. Caldwell, D. I. Chapman, G. B. Corbet, P. D. Gabbutt, P. M. Hammond, A. J. E. Harman, B. Harley, S. Harris, B. C. Hawgood, D. Hunford, A. M. Hutson, R. J. Knowles, M. A. Large, E. D. Morley, G. Phillips, C. D. Putman, M. C. Shelduck and Dr Rook. Mr R. S. George has very kindly passed all his records to me for inclusion in this paper and I would like to express my deep gratitude to him for this gesture and for re-examining all the specimens in my collection. Additionally, I have received many specimens from the Colchester and Essex Museum (CM) and the Passmore Edwards Museum (PEM) through the kindness of Messrs Raymond E. Chaplin, J. J. Heath and Clifford E. Owen. I would like to thank all these gentlemen for their contributions. Throughout the list of records only the initials of the collector or institution are given. An asterisk denotes a new record for the county. There are three in all. PULICIDAE Pulex irritans L., 1♂, 'on a man', Billericay, 10.x.59 (A.J.E.H.): 5 ♂ ♂ 6 ♀ ♀, Vulpes vulpes (L.) (Fox), Wickford—no other data (CM.). The fox is a true host of this cosmopolitan flea and it also occurs on badgers. Archaeopsylla e. erinacei (Bouche), ♂ ♂ ♀ ♀, Erinaceus europaeus L. (Hedgehog), Woodford Green, 2.X.59 (G.E.B.); ♂ ♂ ♀ ♀, Leigh-on-Sea, 9.X.59 (A.J.E.H.); ♂ ♂ ♀ ♀, Boxted, 20.vii.61 (CM.); ♂ ♂ ♀ ♀, Billericay, 8.x.59 (A.J.E.H.): ♂ ♀ ♀, Woodford Green, vi.64 (D.I.C.); ♂ ♂ ♀ ♀, Chesterford Park, 8.iv.67, 18.iv.67, 23.iv.67 (G.B.T.): 'Springer Spaniel—♀', Colchester, Fingringhoe, ix.61 (CM.): 2♂ ♂ 2 ♀ ♀, V. vulpes— ♂, Woodford Green, 26.xi.67 (S.H.): 8♂ ♂ 1 ♀ ,'Irish Setter', Sible Hedingham, 20.X.67 (C.D.P.).