232 THE ESSEX NATURALIST C. hirundinis (Curtis), 2♂ ♂ 3♀ ♀, D. urbica—nest, Flatford Mill, 24.ix.59 (G.P.): 15♂ ♂ 38♀ ♀, D. urbica—nests, Chesterford Park, 2.V.64 (G.B.T. and R.S.G.): 2♂ ♂ 8♀ ♀, D. urbica—nests, Steeple Bumpstead, x.57 (Dr Rook): 2♀ ♀, D. urbica—dead, Great Chesterford, 28.v.62 (G.B.T.). C. f. farreni Rothschild, 1♀, D. urbica—nest, Flatford Mill, 24.ix.58 (G.P.): 1♂, D. urbica—2 nests, Chesterford Park, 2.v.64 (R.S.G. & G.B.T.): 1♂, D. urbica—nest, Steeple Bumpstead, x.57 (Dr Rook). C. g. gallinae Schrank, 1♀ Motacilla alba yarrelli Gould (Pied Wagtail—♂), Frating, 20.xii.61 (CM.): 2♀ ♀, Turdus m. merula L. (Blackbird), Bradwell, iv.57 (G.B.T. coll.): 2♀ ♀, Passer domesti- cus (L.) (House Sparrow-nest), Billericay, iii.1959 (A.J.E.H.): 1♂, P. modularis, Great Horkesley, 27.xii.64 (B.H.): 1♂, P. modularis, Bradwell, 4.iv.57 (G.B.T. coll.): 1♂ 2♀ ♀, Parus major L. (Gt. Titmouse—nest), Stock, 10.viii.59 (A.J.E.H.); P. major— "nest in pump", Stock, 20.vii.59 (A.H.): 1♂ 1♀, "Hen litter", Weeley, 28.vi.64 (R.S.G.): 1♂ 3♀ ♀, "grass nest in undergrowth", Baddow, 20.X.59 (P.M.H.): 1♂, M. nivalis, Chesterford Park, 8.iv.67 (G.B.T.). C. fringillae (Walker), 2♂ ♂ 3♀ ♀, "emerging from crack in wall of house", Thorpe Bay, 18.V.63 (E.D.M.): 3♂ ♂ 2♀ ♀, D. urbica— nest occupied by P. domesticus, Chesterford Park, 21.iii.67 (G.B.T.); 1♂ from similar nest, Chesterford Park, 21.iii.67 (G.B.T.). C. garei Rothschild, 1♀, "nest linings—hedgerow", Bradwell- on-Sea, 9.ii.-8.iii.58 (B.C.H.): 1♂ 1♀, Gallinula chloropus (L.) (Moorhen-nest), Chesterford Park, vi-1953 (G.B.T.). References Chapman, D. I. & Hammond, P. M. (1962). A preliminary report on in- vestigations in the Deneholes at Hangman's Wood, Grays, Essex. Essex Nat., 31 : 13. George, R. S. (1959). The fleas (Siphonaptera) of Essex. Essex Nat., 30: 193-198. Hopkins, G. H. E. & Rothschild, M. (1962, 1963). An illustrated catalogue of the Rothschild collection of fleas (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural History) III and IV, London. Mead-Briggs, A. R. (1964). Records of rabbit fleas, Spilopsyllus cuniculi (Dale), from every county in Great Britain with notes on infesta- tion rates. Entomologist's mon. Mag., 100: 8-17. Phillips, N. R. & Underwood, P. J. (1961). Ctenophthalmus congener congener Roths., and other fleas, recorded from Essex. Ent. Gaz., 12: 65-68. Thompson, G. B. (1961). The parasites of British birds and mammals— xxxvi. New records of bat parasites. Entomologist's mon. Mag.. 97: 132.