BIRD NOTES AND RECORDS OF MEETINGS. 1968 235 Great Spotted Woodpecker, Goldfinch, Common Whitethroat, Blackcap, Lapwing, Song Thrash, Tawny Owl, House Sparrow, House Martin, Swallow, Garden Warbler, Skylark, Turtle Dove, Wood Pigeon, Starling. Total species 35. Members remarked on the song of numbers of Robins in the wood. It was also good to have seen 5 different kinds of tits. Interesting Records Brambling. 25 January—One seen in Burnthouse Lane, Ingatestone (M.T.P.). Corn Bunting. 29 May—One in full song, Burnthouse Lane, Ingatestone (M.T.P.), It is possible that the clearance of hedge- rows in this area is leading to a suitable habitat for these birds. Wheatear. 3 May—One seen in Burnthouse Lane, Ingate- stone, a late migrant. (M.T.P.). Wood Warbler. 20 May, and subsequent dates until early June—three were heard in Hartswood and Thorndon Park. These birds would appear to have established territories, although there was no evidence of them having nested. (M.T.P. and Brentwood School Field Club). Red-backed Shrike. 18 July—Danbury Common. One pair seen feeding young on more than one occasion. (M.T.P.). Nutcracker. 9 September—These birds were recorded in various parts of Essex, Mersea Island and one in Rose Valley, Brentwood. (M.T.P. and R. Bangay of Rose Valley).