236 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Notes on Essex Mammals, 1967-68 By D. R. Scott Introduction This report is not intended to be as comprehensive as previous ones because it is hoped to publish shortly a complete report on the mammal records obtained over the last ten years. This follows the formation of the Essex Field Club Mammal Group in 1958. The full report will include details of records obtained by normal sighting, road deaths, dead mammals in bottles, and results of live trapping. All Club members are asked to forward records of mammals however common. Members may also have the use of the Club's Longworth traps. The following summary of records excludes deer and the badger as these are recorded separately by Mr D. Chapman and Mr R. Cowlin respectively and their records will be included in the full report. Classified Notes Hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus (Linn.) Quite a large number of records have come in over the period, many unfortunately of road deaths. The animal is still common in the more suburban and wooded parts of the county where there is sufficient cover, but becomes scarcer in the more arable areas. The hedgehog is still considered as vermin by some gamekeepers the corpses being seen on certain gibbets. Mole Talpa europeae (Linn.) Most records of the mole refer to sightings of molehills which are more easily noticed in grassland; this consequently is where the main stronghold of the animal seems to be. Observations from town gardens are now less common as the mole has been eradicated from many gardens. Moles in waste land and roadsides, however, go unnoticed, and the species seems still fairly common in open country. Common Shrew Sorex araneus (Linn.) This shrew is common throughout the county and has been recorded by normal sightings, live trapping and remains in dis- carded bottles. Pigmy Shrew Sorex minutus (Linn.) Records of the Pigmy Shrew are fewer although it appears to be generally distributed throughout the county. Its small size makes it an easy victim for empty bottles and many of the records are those of remains found in them.