NOTES ON ESSEX MAMMALS, 1967-68 237 Water Shrew Neomys fodiens (Pennant) There are comparatively few records of the species, which is usually seen in or near water but not usually taken in live traps. Most of our records are from remains in bottles. Fox Vulpes vulpes (Linn.) The Fox abounds in the London fringe of Essex where cover is provided by gardens, parks, railway embankments, etc., and some have been seen on the organised Fox rallies. These were animals shown up in car headlights in the early hours of the morning in suburban areas. Many road deaths are recorded on these busy main roads in west and south Essex. In country areas where hunting continues the fox is also common but many are gassed or snared here as their earths are more easily found. Stoat Mustela erminea (Linn.) Although less common than the Weasel more records of Stoats have come in during this period than previously. The observations are mainly from the southern half of the county with very few from the north east. Weasel Mustela nivalis (Linn.) Fairly common throughout the county the Weasel is usually sighted crossing the road. There are a few records of road deaths, and of those seen on keepers' gibbets. Otter Lutra lutra (Linn.) No firm records are available but a number of unconfirmed reports of this elusive species have come in. The animal obviously occurs in Essex probably in the Chelmer area and coastal regions. Common Seal Phoca vitulina (Linn.) One record, a sighting off Southend pier in 1968. Brown Hare Lepus capensis (Linn.) Common in every part of Essex with most records as live sightings. Road deaths are less commonly recorded but one of these was from Leytonstone in a very well built up area. Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linn.) Although myxomatosis is still present, fewer cases were reported during the two years in question. Possibly a certain amount of immunity is building up and although rabbits do not occur in large colonies, records of their occurrence are widespread in the county. Red Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris (Linn.) No firm records for 1967 or 1968. The only location where the species may occur is the Essex/Suffolk border.