238 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Grey Squirrel Scuirus carolinensis (Gmelin) This squirrel has become even more common in Essex of recent years. Records come from open areas with a few scattered woods, as well as from the forest districts. Near London recorded at West Ham Church with young. Dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius (Linn.) One report from the Billericay area, found during hibernation. Harvest Mouse Micromys minutus (Pallas) Remains found in bottles, and empty nests found in rough grassland in two locations. It seems that the species is still represented but mainly in areas of rough grassland as opposed to corn fields. The nests are usually six to nine inches above the soil level. Long-tailed Field Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus (Linn.) A common species throughout the county and one which occurs regularly in bottle remains. Yellow-necked Mouse Apodemus flavicolis (Melchior) Not as often seen as the Long-tailed Mouse. This species seems to occur where the soil is a sand or gravel deposit. On account of its large size the mouse is seldom found dead in bottles. House Mouse Mus musculus (Linn.) Records of this mouse are very few. The species seems to inhabit towns, whilst in the country it is mainly the Long-tailed Mouse which enters houses. Brown Rat Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout) This very common mammal is usually recorded as a road death. Many are killed on the roads as they change their feeding grounds. Bank Vole. Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber) The Bank Vole is often found among remains in bottles as it inhabits hedges and ditches. It differs from the Field Vole in behaviour in that it often climbs in search of seeds and fruits. Water Vole Arvicola terrestris (Linn.) Records not frequent but this vole is fairly common on most ponds and rivers. Field-Vole Microtus agrestis (Linn.) Seldom found in bottle remains. This animal stays in the cover of matted grassland and is more often heard than seen. Records are infrequent though the Field-Vole must be a common species.