240 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Notes on some Essex Badger Mortalities By A. Batty and R. A. D. Cowlin A number of Badger corpses from Essex have been examined since January 1966. Details are as follows: 1. Adult—♀, wt. 26.5 lb (12 kg) killed at Colchester 31.1.1966. Dimensions: head and body 28 in (71 cm), tail 6.25 (16 cm), hind foot 8 in (10.5 cm). No further details. 2. Adult— ♀, wt. 23 lb (10.5 kg). Road death at South Weald (TQ/572933) 14.12.1966. Multiple internal injuries and lower jaw broken. Stomach contents: mainly acorns and earthworms. Ectoparasites: Trichodectes melis. Endoparasites: Molineus patens. 3. Adult—♀, wt. 19 lb (9.1 kg). Road death at Coxtie Green (TQ/562955) 22.2.1967. Multiple internal injuries including rup- ture of the spleen. Ectoparasites: T. melis, Ixodes canisuga. Endoparasites: M. patens. 4. Yearling—♀, approx. wt. 15 lb (6.8 kg). Road death at Langdon Hills (TQ/675858) circa 3.7.1968. Multiple internal injuries. No further details. 5. Adult—♂, wt. 24 lb (11 kg). Road death at Thundersley (TQ/788879) 14.7.1968. Old scars noted on skin around neck and above tail. Multiple internal injuries. Stomach contents: mainly earthworms and grass. Ectoparasites: Paraceras melis, T. melis. Endoparasites: M. patens. Lower jaw grossly deformed by bony overgrowth, probably as a sequel to a previous fracture. 6. Adult—♀, wt. 26 lb (12 kg). Dead outside sett entrance at Langdon Hills (TQ/682869) 24.11.1968. No external injuries or internal damage or abnormalities found. Stomach empty. No further details. 7. Adult—♂, wt. 20 lb (9.1 kg). Dead wedged in entrance at sett at Langdon Hills (TQ/677858) 23.3.1969. No obvious external injuries. Earth in mouth. Kidneys appeared pale and enlarged, lungs congested; no other gross lesions. The left testicle was intra- abdominal whereas the right was fully descended. Ectoparasites: P. melis, T. melis. Endoparasites: M. patens from the small intestine. 8. Cub—♀, wt. 4 lb (1.8 kg). Dead in field within 100 yd (91 m) of sett at Stock (TQ/689984) 13.4.1969. Had large bruising to front part of cranium: front part of tongue amputated; no other gross lesions evident. Ectoparasites : T. melis. No endoparasites recovered. 9. Cub—♀, wt. 4 lb (1.8 kg). Dead on top of freshly blocked holes of sett at Blackmore (TL/621028) 20.4.1969. No external damage evident. Dimensions: head, body and tail 18.5 in (47 cm). No further details.