247 Report of the Council for 1968 Membership The membership of the Club at 31st December 1968 stood at 291. This compares with 255 at the close of 1967. House List Dr K. Alvin, Mr D. Scott and Mr E. F. Williams retired from the Council in accordance with the rules of the Club. The new members of the Council elected were Mrs K. Birkmire, Mr R. Cowlin and Mr A. Jones. Meetings During the year a total of 46 meetings were held. These were divided as follows: — General Meetings ............ At the Museum 5 At Chelmsford 1 Field Meetings 5 Group Dinners .................................... 1 Informal Meetings.................................. 34 The informal meetings were devoted to the following disciplines. Botany .............................................. 9 Geology ............................................. 7 Herpetology ........................................ 3 Ornithology ....................................... 5 Mammal Studies..................................... 10 In addition a joint meeting was held with the Quekett Misco- seopical Club. During October the general meeting was held at the Educational Centre at Chelmsford and took the form of a Brains' Trust Quiz and film show. It was, judging by the good attendance, very popular, especially with those members who have difficulty in coming to meetings at Stratford. It is hoped to continue with the policy of holding general indoor meetings throughout the County during 1969. Groups The Groups have again continued to thrive as is evidenced by the large number of informal meetings organised by them. The Herpetological Group was formed in the early part of the year and is now firmly established. Three meetings in the field were organised by members of the Group during the latter half of the year.