248 THE ESSEX NATURALIST The Geology Group held a successful three-day meeting at Lymington, Hants, during the Whitsun holiday, while the Mammal Group held a conservation week-end at Fingringhoe Wick during the same holiday. The Botany Group's meetings were varied and well attended. While at present no Ornithological Group exists, large attendances were reported at meetings organised by Mr Parker for bird watching. Deer Survey During the year the Deer Survey which had been carried out under a grant from the Natural Environmental Research Coun- cil by Mr R. Chaplin and Mr D. I. Chapman was concluded. No further grant has been applied for by the Club, but it is under- stood that each of the parties have received grants to enable them to continue with research in this field. Planning During the year the Council gave its mandate to the forma- tion of a Committee to investigate the present state of the Club and to make recommendations as to future developments. As members will be aware questionnaires were sent to all members. The forms covered the whole range of Club activities and were designed to enlighten the Committee as to what the members really wanted. Nearly half were returned completed and are now being studied by the Committee. It is hoped to present a report to the Council of the Club during the Spring of 1969. The Council feel that generally 1968 was a satisfactory year from the Club's point of view and thank the members and their friends who helped to make it so. Annual Report of the Geology Group, 1968 The increase in membership forecast in the last Annual Report materialised, and the present strength of the Group comprises about 121/2% of the Club's membership. We hope that this trend will continue. The only change that was made to the management of the Group was the election of Mr P. Allen to the Committee. This change was brought about by Mr I. Hunter moving from the district. The Officers and Committee wish to extend their thanks to all those who arranged and led field trips, and to those who provided car transport, for without their co-operation certain of these trips would not have been possible.