266 THE ESSEX NATURALIST E, F and G. Within the Blackwater, the sample was collected by a total of three grab hauls and two 50 m dredge tows; offshore only the dredge was used (three 50 m tows per station). The apparatus was operated from on board the MFV "Providence", an inshore stern trawler, equipped with a Decca navigation system. The latter allowed accurate fixing of the, collecting stations, thereby facilitating future comparison of the 1970 data with those obtained by further investigations. The 1970 survey only investigated the Sublittoral regions of the Blackwater, and not all the animal groups for which Davis (loc. cit.) gave records were covered. Only macroscopic species were included, and of these, some groups, e.g. the Polyzoa, were largely neglected. The authors are responsible for the identifica- tions cited here. These were made using the various publications in the Faune de France series (for polychaetes, amphipods, Pycnogonids, etc.), using specialist volumes such as Tebble (1966) for lamellibranchs, Allen (1967) for decapod crustaceans, and Millar (1970) for ascidians, and by the use of Eales (1967) and the authors' personal knowledge for the remaining groups. A description of the Sublittoral habitats in the Blackwater has been given previously (Davis, loc. cit.). Samples were sorted on deck; grab samples being first hosed over a 3 mm mesh sieve. Material unidentifiable by naked eye was transported back to the labora- tory for further study. Additions and Corrections to the Fauna List The following records are new to the fauna list: Class ANTHOZOA Order Actiniaria Metridiidae Metridium senile (Linnaeus) Uncommon; recorded from stations C.3, S.18 and from the Barrier Wall. Class ENOPLA Order Heteronemertini Tetrastemmatidae Tetrastemma flavidum Ehrenberg Probably not uncommon, but easily overlooked. Recorded from line 1, Stn 5. Class POLYCHAETA Aphroditidae Lagisca extenuata (Grube) Uncommon; recorded from station HB.2. Phyllodocidae Phyllodoce lamelligera Johnston