THE FUNGI OF EPPING FOREST 277 The Fungi of Epping Forest Part 1. BASIDIOMYCETES By Doreen J, Boardman This list of the Fungi of Epping Forest is based on A. A. Pearson's list published in 1938 with the addition of records from forays and individual reports since that time. Nomenclature has been considerably revised; reference having been made to the following papers. Agarics & Boleti: New Check List 1960. Denis. Orton. Hora. Polypores: The Polyporaceae 1966. Pegler. Gasterales: Chronological Catalogue of the Literature of the British Gasterales in Nova 1968. Palmer. Heterobasidia: European Heterbasidia 1966. Donk. Tormentella: Wakefield T.B.M.S. Pr. 53. The code relating to the frequency of occurence of a species is the same as that used in the original list namely; C = common. U = uncommon. R = rare. PHALLACEAE Phallus impudicus Linn. ex Pers. C V V Mutinus caninus (Huds. ex Pers.) Fr. U V V LYCOPERDACEAE Lycoperdon echinatum Pers. ex Pers. U V V L. molle Pers. C V V L. perlatum Pers. C V V L. pyriforme Schaeff. ex Pers. C V V Calvatia excipuliformis (Schaeff. ex Pers.) Perd. C V C. utriformis (Bull. ex Pers.) Lange U V Langermania gigantea (Batsch. ex Pers.) Rostk. U V V Bovista plumbea (Pers. ex Pers.) C V Geaster striatum D.C. V