302 THE ESSEX NATURALIST 8th June. Danbury Common. The weather could not have been better for this meeting as it was fine, sunny and warm all day. 29 Members attended this meeting. A total of 34 different species of birds were either seen or heard. Outstanding were Linnets, Common and Lesser Whitethroats, Yellowhammers, Willow Warblers, Chiff Chaffs and Blackcaps. A family of Long- tailed Tits were also seen at close range. 22nd June. Mill Green and High Wood. In spite of dark and threatening clouds the weather kept fine for the 29 members attending this meeting. Tree Pipits in full song were seen and heard on the Common. The following birds were either seen or heard: Willow Warbler, Chiff Chaff, Blackcap and Garden Warbler. An excellent tea was kindly provided by Mr and Mrs Basil Burn. A total of 29 birds were either seen or heard during the day. 6th July. Hartstvood, Thorndon Park. Rain did not deter 30 members from attending this meeting. In spite of the rain and lack of sunshine the birds still sang. Three young Jays were seen at close quarters, and in addition Tree Pipits, Blackcaps, Willow Warblers and Chiff Chaffs were seen and heard. A total of 37 different species made this meeting very worthwhile. 27 July. Curtis Mill Green. This was another General Meet- ing and the sun shone brilliantly all day for the 15 members who attended. They were glad of the shade provided by Oak trees of the wood. Tree Sparrows were seen and compared with House Sparrows. Only two Warblers were heard in full song, the Blackcap and Chiff Chaff. Other birds seen were Yellowhammers and Linnets. Near a pond Cabbage White Butterflies were observed drinking; a number of Red Admiral Butterflies were also seen. Purple Loosestrife and Red Bartsia were also recorded. At the end of a very enjoyable meeting 28 different species of birds had been seen or heard. 7th September. Baldwin's Hill, Epping Forest. 17 members attended this meeting on a dull and overcast day. Birds were very quiet, except for Robins in full song. A number of Fungi were noticed, including Fistulina hepatica and a few species of Amanita. Interesting birds seen or heard were Nuthatches; Blue, Great, Coal, Marsh and Long Tailed Tits. At the end of the day 23 different species of Birds had been seen or heard. 21st September. Fingringhoe Wick. The weather, at first, was overcast, but later on in the day the sun came out. Curlews, Redshanks, Shellducks and Herons were seen on the Salt Marshes by the 37 members. In the morning some members were very fortunate in being able to see at close range two King- fishers by the Warden's Lake. Tea was taken at the Bunkhouse and a count taken of the birds seen; this came to 34.