REPORT OF COUNCIL 303 Interesting Records: 1969 31st March Manningtree. Chiff Chaff in full song. (M.T.P.) 4th April Hall Lane, Shenfield. Redstart. (M.T.P.) 25th May Nightjar. Hartswood. Heard during Dawn Chorus with Brentwood School Field Club. (M.T.P.) 6th June Red-backed Shrike. Danbury Common. This bird apparently nested and reared young in 1969. This was the second year these birds had been recorded. (M.T.P.). 27th Sept. Osprey. Tollesbury. Seen by Mr J. Green. 5th October Buzzard. East Hanningfield. Seen by Mr J. Green. 19th October Wheatear. Matching Green. Mr J. Green. Redstart. Beauchamp Roding. Mr J. Green. Report of Council for 1969 Membership At 31st December 1969 the membership stood at 286. This compares with 291 at the close of 1968 and thus is quite satis- factory. House List Mrs F. Hawkins, Miss I. Finch, and Messrs T. Bartrop and J. A. Caldwell retired as members of the Council in accordance with rules of the Club. Mrs J. Saunders, Mr B. Eastcott and Mr E. B. Pinniger were elected as members of the Council at the Annual General Meet- ing. Meetings A total of 48 meetings were held during the year. Of these 11 were general meetings and the remainder informal. Five of the indoor meetings were held at Stratford and the remaining one at Chelmsford. The other 42 meetings were devoted to the following studies and were for the most part organised by the Groups. Botany—8 Geology—8 Herpetology—3 Mammals—10 Mosses and Liverworts—1 Mycology—2 Ornithology—8 General Field Meetings—2 Attendance at field meetings has in the main been extremely good. However, the same cannot be said of the indoor meetings, the average attendance having dropped to about 30.