304 THE ESSEX NATURALIST 304 The meetings that have been held at Chelmsford were well attended, whereas the meetings held at Stratford, especially the "Members Notes and Exhibits" meetings have at times been very poorly supported. It is the Council's intention to try and arrange more meetings away from Stratford to ascertain whether those meetings would draw a larger attendance on a regular basis. It should be borne in mind that our programme secretary must be certain of a reasonable response if he is to invite speakers of note to lecture at general meetings and we look to the members in this respect. Planning for the '70s This report has been completed and following consideration by Council, its recommendations will be carried out during the ensuing 12 months. The aim will be to increase membership, make joining the Club a simpler affair and finally to offer a programme which will appeal to all members of the Club. It is also proposed to re-instate the publication of a bulletin which will complement the Essex Naturalist. The success of this venture is reliant upon the support of all members. It is intended that the bulletin will contain news, views, reports of meetings, forthcoming events, book reviews and, in fact, anything which might be of interest to members. Further information regarding this project will be published during the Spring of 1970 and we exhort all members to give their wholehearted support. European Conservation Year Essex is making its contribution to the Year's activities by holding meetings and exhibitions. All members will receive a programme card and it is hoped that members will not only attend those activities organised by the Club, but also those arranged by other bodies. Finally, the Council wishes to thank all those members and friends who helped to make 1969 a success and asks for their continued support in 1970. Annual Report of the Mammal Group, 1969 1969 was an uneventful year for the group, most meetings being concerned with obtaining records in one way or another. However, two talks were arranged, one in January on squirrels, which was given by Jan Taylor from the Infestation Control Laboratory, and the other in December was an extremely in- teresting guide to Mammal Ectoparasites by G. B. Thompson