ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MAMMAL GROUP, 1969 305 from Cambridge. Mr Thompson expressed his willingness to accept specimens from members. The former was designated a General Meeting of the Club. Our thanks to the two speakers, especially Jan Taylor in view of the difficulties under which he operated. One new venture by the. group was an instructional week-end at Fingrinhoe Wick, which was attended by nineteen members plus other day visitors. The programme included skinning demonstrations and the techniques of small mammal trapping and badger watching. A visit to St. Osyth Deer Park was also included. An always popular meeting, a bottle hunt, was arranged in October and as usual was well attended with eight cars present, although there appeared to be a dearth of bottles containing mammal remains. The most found by any one car being ten. The rendezvous was Great Leighs Village Hall where tea had been laid on and this was followed by the identification of some of the remains. Amongst the mammal survey meetings two held in June and July deserve special mention. One was a trapping session in East London where a variety of sites from residential gardens in Ilford through Wanstead and West Ham Parks to the Northern Outfall Sewer were trapped and some interesting results obtained. The other meeting was in the Rayleigh area where permission had been obtained from the Ministry of Defence for a small party to set traps on Foulness. The results were not spectacular but every catch helps to complete the distribution maps for the county. Another fox rally was held in the early part of the year, meeting at 2 a.m. in Romford. One fox was seen in car head- lights by some of those members who forced themselves out into the cold night. This was a joint meeting with the London Natural History Society and it was a pity that none of their members came along. The attendance at most field meetings was good and we hope to see this continue during the seventies as the collection of records is an important part of the work of the group. B. D. Eastcott.