THE BADGER IN RELATION TO GEOLOGY 311 distribution is by no means random, being the more dense in the regions around Lambourne End, Brentwood, Billericay and West- ley Heights. Figure 2. Soil Characteristics of the Setts The last area has probably the highest concentration of setts (17 setts in 7 sq. km. or 2.7 sq. miles) and it is only here that they attain anything like the concentration of setts that occur in many parts of S.W. England. Elsewhere, individual 1 km. squares contain up to 5 and 6 setts but the overall density is much lower. The area around Brentwood has probably the highest general population with 35 setts in the 36 sq. km. centred on Brentwood Station. This area is also heavily built up containing about 50,000 people, showing that badgers can live in close proximity to urban areas, but only where large open areas, gardens and railway