GLACIAL STRATIGRAPHY OF WEST ESSEX 325 change in moisture contents, Atterberg limits and plasticity indices reflecting the increasing contribution of the underlying London Clay to the lithological constitution of the till matrix. Slight drops in the LL and PI at Coopersale Common (68-691/2) may result from the admixture of local "head" and Pebble Gravel material with the boulder clay. More importantly, the LL figures indicate that the textural and mineralogical composition of the Hanningfield Tills does not diverge significantly from the regional trend of lithological change within the Springfield Till. The liquidity indices do not demonstrate any comparable trend in compaction, but it may be remarked that the adjacent Hanning- field (68-691/2) and Springfield (691/2-771/2) sections are of virtually identical consolidations, while those of the Hanningfield (78-91) and Springfield (91-100) tills are certainly of the same order of magnitude. The boulder clays from Coopersale Common (68) to Pincey Brook (100) would all seem therefore to belong to a single,