GLACIAL STRATIGRAPHY OF WEST ESSEX 329 (Wooldridge, 1957; Clayton, 1960, 1964), although satisfying cer- tain correlative conditions, are really unjustifiable from the local stratigraphic and morphological evidence. Conclusion The present data favour the essential unity of the west Essex Chalky Boulder clay, being the product of a single glaciation but certainly involving fluctuations in the detailed position of the ice margin. Whether this glaciation is of Lowestoft or Gipping age cannot be stated without reference to a local interglacial datum, for which there is, as yet, no evidence. The Coopersale Common "head" may prove to belong to a pre-Chalky Boulder clay glaci- ation of westerly provenance; but again its precise age relations can only be surmised in the absence of an interglacial horizon. More confidently it can be stated that the Hanninfield-Spring- field distinction of south Essex is inapplicable to the west Essex situation and that the Maldon Till, in all probability, represents no more than a minor advance phase of the main Chalky Boulder clay glaciation. Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge with gratitude the kindness and assistance of the Ministry of Transport and their Consulting Engineers for the M.11 project (Messrs W. S. Atkins & Partners, Epsom) in allowing me complete access to the M.11 Soil Survey records. In addition, I would like to express my thanks to Dr C. Embleton who read and commented on the original draft. References Baden-Powell, D. F. W. (1948). The Chalky Boulder Clays of Norfolk and Suffolk. Geol. Mag., 85: 279-296. Baden-Powell, D. F. W. (1951). The age of the interglacial deposits at Swanscombe. Geol. Mag., 88: 344-354. Boulton. G. S. (1967). The development of a complex supraglacial moraine at the margin of Sorbreen. Ny Friesland, Vestspitsbergen. Journ. Glac., 6: 717-735. Clayton, K. M. (1957). Some aspects of the glacial deposits of Essex. Proc. Geol. Assoc, 68: 1-21. Clayton, K. M. (1958). The morphology of the southern limit of the glacial drifts of Essex. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis (London). Clayton, K. M. (1960). The landforms of parts of southern Essex. Trans. I.B.G. 28: 55-74. Clayton, K. M. (1964). The glacial geomorphology of southern Essex. in Guide to London Excursions ed. K. M. Clayton. Dines, H. G. and Edmunds, F. H. (1925). The geology of the country around Romford. Mem. Geol. Surv. N. S. 257. Holmes, T. V. (1892). The new railway from Grays Thurrock to Romford. Sections between Upminster and Romford. Q.J.G.S., 48: 365-372,