342 THE ESSEX NATURALIST The author would like to thank the owner Mr D. J. Human, for permission to excavate, and Mr C. Knight, the tenant, for his co-operation and assistance Mr F. Waightman for much valuable local information and Messrs Bolter, Boynton, Bunn, Jones, Radburn and Turner for assistance in digging. The bones have been kindly donated by Mr Human to Saff- ron Walden Museum. The Excavation. Having located the skeletons in the section of the narrow sewage-pipe trench an area between the trench and the cottages was opened up. The graves were found to have cut through a thin layer of soil containing Romano-British coarse sherds of 1st century A.D., fragments of roof tile and tesserae. Each grave was dug to a depth of about 75 cms. (2 ft. 6 in.) from the present ground level. There was some evidence to suggest that this level had been lowered in recent years, probably in levelling the site for the erection of the cottages (circa 1920). The lower legs and feet of burial 1 were situated beneath the foundation wall of the kitchen and a surface-water drain-pipe lay across all of the skeletons (see plan). The bedding trench for this pipe was only 5 cms. (2 in.) above the bones, but had not disturbed them. On examing the section it was found that the graves had been cut into a dark brown soil which constituted the fill of wide shallow buried ditch cutting into the natural sub-soil of sand. Within the narrow confines of the sewage-pipe trench it was not possible to determine whether the ditch had been bisected at right angles or obliquely by the trench. Allowing for this re- servation, its width was found to be 4.5 metres (5 yds.) and its depth 1 metre (1 yd. +).