348 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Fowler, E. 1960. The origins and development of the Penannular Brooch in Europe. Proc. Prehist. Soc. London, (n.s.) xxvi pp. 149-177. Mellanby, M. 1934. Diet and the teeth; an experimental study. Part III: The effect of diet on dental structure and disease in man. London. Schour, I. & Massler, M. 1941. The development of the human dentition. J. Amer. Dent. Asso. Chicago, 28: 1153-1160. Trotter, M. & Gleser, G. C. 1952. Estimation of stature from long bones of American Whites and Negroes. Amer. J. phys. Anthrop., Washington (n.s.) 10: 463-514. — 1958. A re-evalution of estimation of stature based on measure- ments taken during life and long-bones after death. Amer. J. phys. Anthrop., Washington (n.s.) 16: 79-123 Victoria County History. Essex, Hi Wells, Calvin. 1964. Bones, bodies and disease. London. Wenham, L. P. 1968. The Romano-British cemetery at Trentholme Drive, York. London. PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS, March 1970—An Apology I wish to withdraw my remarks in the presidential address for March, 1970, and printed in the Essex Naturalist, Vol. 32 Part 4 (1970), Page 261, which imply that changes in the flora and fauna in the vicinity of the Flatford Mill Field Centre are due to the effect of people studying at the Centre. These observations were made without any supporting evi- dence. I much regret any annoyance these remarks may have given the Field Studies Council and Mr F. J. Bingley, Warden of the Flatford Mill Field Centre. W. R. Masefield.