DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISH IN BRITISH ISLES 349 The Nomenclature, Bionomics and Distribution of the Crayfish, Austropotambius pallipes (Lereboullet) (Crustacea, Astacidae) in the British Isles W. Thomas and Dr R. Ingle University of London, Goldsmith's College Introduction The freshwater crayfish occurring in the British Isles has been called variously, Cancer astacus by Pennant (1777), Astacus fluviatilis by Bell (1853), Potamobius astacus by Leach (1875), Potamobius pallipes by Duffield (1933) and Austropotamo- bius (Atlantoastacus) pallipes pallipes by Bott (1950). All these names refer to the only crayfish species indigenous to the British Isles and distributed in rivers and lakes throughout England, Wales and Ireland, but apparently absent from Scot- land. The species also occurs in France, Germany and Switzer- land, (Bott, 1950). Duffield (1939) however, noted that crayfish from Europe were introduced into rivers in Oxfordshire early in this century, although he did not mention the particular species that was in- troduced. Davies (1964) stated that in recent years imported specimens of Astacus fluviatilis had colonised some rivers in southern England. Davies was probably referring to Astacus astacus (Linnaeus) but as yet we have failed to obtain samples of this species from any British river. The literature contains numerous references to our native crayfish, chiefly to record the occurrence of the species, but none refer to the breeding cycle and growth of crayfishes in British rivers. There is only one account of the biology of A. pallipes in German rivers (Smolian 1925). In addition the nomenclature of this species is still in an unsatisfactory state. We present here our views on the nomenclature of our native crayfish, an account of a short bionomic study, and a summary of the distribution of the species in the British Isles. Nomenclature In 1963 we had occasion to check the identification of cray- fishes occurring in the River Darent, Kent. For this purpose we used the keys and diagnoses of the European species of the family Astacidae given by Bott (1950). We had difficulty in identifying our specimens with Bott's figures and photographs of the species that he designated as Austropotamobius (Atlantoastacus) pallipes pallipes (Lereboullet) and listed as the only species occurring in