DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISH IN BRITISH ISLES 355 their extermination because they were overfished by the local inhabitants who "feasted upon them" (Smith 1932a). In the past attempts have been made to introduce and to establish continental species of crayfishes in British rivers, but there is no account on record indicating that any of these ventures were successful. The small size of our native species and its somewhat, continuous distribution throughout the country have prevented its commercial exploitation on any large scale, as local populations would be easily overfished. Populations of our native species have fluctuated in numbers as was shown by Duffield (1933). He suggested that in Oxfordshire, crawfish populations had shown drastic declines in the past at intervals of about 13 or 14 years. He attributed this periodic decline to disease, inter- acting with other factors, and suggested that the causes were the microsporidian Thelohania contejeani and the bacterium Bacillus pestis astaci. Many of the county records cited below are taken from sources published in the latter half of the last and the. early part of this century, and the species may therefore no longer occur at some of the places mentioned. Records communicated to us personally are indicated by P.C. and those from samples of this species in the British Museum (Natural History) are denoted by B.M. The authors will be pleased to receive records or specimens from localities not cited here. England and Wales BEDFORDSHIRE—R. Lea (Stebbing 1920). BERKSHIRE—R. Ock, R. Kennet (Stebbing 1920a), Ham Bridge (B.M.), nr. Newbury (B.M.). BUCKINGHAMSHIRE — Hovenden nr. Princes Ris- borough (Stebbing 1920b). CAMBRIDGESHIRE—Bottisham Lode (Lownes 1938). Wicken Fen (Gurney 1926). CHESHIRE—nr. Altrincham, Tabley, R. Weaver trib., Withington nr. Chelford (Tattersall 1920). DERBYSHIRE—Cringleford Bridge (Stebbing 1905), Bakewell to Haddon R. Wye (Lowe 1921). DORSET—Dor- chester to Maiden Newton (Stebbing). ESSEX—R. Lea, R. Chel- mer (Stebbing 1903), Twyford Mill, R. Rib (P.C). HAMPSHIRE— Leckford (Haines 1945), W. Basngstoke (B.M.), R. Meon (B.M.), Winchester (B.M.). HEREFORDSHIRE—Great Barwick Ford, R. Arrow, R. Frome, G. Gamer, R. Garran, R. Leadon, R. Lugg, R. Munnow, R. Teme, R. Wye (Stebbing 1908a), Dowles Brook (Anon 1898). HERTFORDSHIRE—R. Rib nr. Latchford (Pullen 1883), R. Gade, R. Lea (Stebbing 1920c), Hatfield (B.M.). KENT—R. Darent at Shoreham, Tunbridge Wells (Stebbing 1908), Eynsford (B.M.), Dunton Green (B.M.). LANCASHIRE—Crime Lake nr. Bardsley Canal, Droylsden nr. Manchester, Knott Hill reservoir Ashton- under-Lyne (Tattersall 1920), Staveley-in-Cartmel (B.M..). LEICES- TERSHIRE—no spec. loc. (B.M.). MONMOUTH—Cwmbran (B.M.) NORFOLK—Aylsham R. Bure, Cringleford and Keswick R. Yare, Ryburg Mill R. Wensum, Scarrow Beck Blickling, Taverham Mill, Thornage R. Glaven, Thurning (Gurney 1926). NORTHAMP-