DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISH IN BRITISH ISLES 357 CO. LONGFORD—no spec. Loc. (B.M.). MUNSTER—(Rutty 1772). CO. TYRONE—Killymoon River (Praeger 1950). Bibliography Anon (1898). Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club. Fourth field meeting. 27th August 1897. Trans. Woolh. nat. Fld. Cl. (1895-97): 296. Anon (1931). News from the magazines. Naturalist, Hull, 897: 319. Anon (1932). Observation. Trans. Suffolk nat. Soc, 2: 80. Anon (1934). The crustacea of Suffolk. Pt. 1. Trans Suffolk nat. Soc, 2: 269. Bayford, E. G. (1931). The distribution of the Crayfish in Yorkshire. Naturalist, Hull, 895 : 240. Bell, T. (1853). A history of British Crustacea. Van Voorst. Pt. V; 193-240. Bieber, A (1940). Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Jugendphasen des Flusskrebses Astacus fluviatilis (Rond.) L. Revue Suisse Zool., 47 : 389-470. Bott, R. (1950). Die Flusskrebse Europas (Decapoda, Astacidae). Abh. Senckenb, naturforsch. Ges., 483: 1-36. Bouville, D. de (1905). Observations sur la reproduction chez l'ecrevisse. epoque et frequence des accouplements. C.r. Seanc. Soc Biol., I: 917-919. Brown, J. M. (1930). Natural History of Horton-in-Ribblesdale. Naturalist. Hull, 883: 299. Butterfield, J. A. (1936). Crayfish. Naturalist, Hull, 950: 66. Carr, J. W. (1904). Nottinghamshire Crustacea and Arachnida. Rept. Trans. Nott. nat. Soc, 1902-3: 61. Clark, J. E. (1929). Freshwater Crayfishes. Naturalist, Hull, 866: 126. Clarke. W. E., Roebuck, W. D. and Storey, W. (1886). Upper Nidderdale and its fauna. Naturalist, Hull: 132: 211. Clarke, W. J. (1931). Distribution of the Crayfish (Astacus pallipes) in Yorkshire. Naturalist, Hull, 888: 30. Davies, A. W. (1964). Crayfish in Suffolk Rivers. Trans Suffolk nat. Soc., 13: 11-13. Dent, J. W. (1931). Distribution of the Crayfish (Astacus pallipes) in Yorks. Naturalist, Hull, 890: 93. Duffield, J. E. (1933). Fluctuations in numbers among freshwater Crayfish. Potamobius pallipes Lereboullet. J. Anim. Ecol., 2: 184-196. Duffield, J. E. (1939). in: Salzman, L. F. The Victoria History of the County of Oxford. Vol. 1. Zoology, Aquatic Crustacea. O.U.P. London. p. 59. Faxon, W. (1914). Notes on the Crayfishes in the United States National Museum .... Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 40: 347-427. Gordon, I. (1963). On the rostrum of the British Crayfish Astacus pallipes Lereboullet. Crustaceana, 5 : 234-238. Gurney, R. (1926). The distribution of the Crayfish Potamobius pallipes in Norfolk. Trans. Norfolk Norwich nat. Soc , 12 : 261-262. Haines, F. H. (1945). Notes on general zoology, 1944. Pap. Proc. Hampsh, Fld Club, 16: 233.