360 THE ESSEX NATURALIST Steffenberg. A. (1872). Bidrag till kannedomen om flodkraftans natural- historia. Akad avhandl. Uppsala Holms. Falun: 3-4. Svardson, G. (1949). Stunted crayfish populations in Sweden. Rept Inst. Freshwater Res. Drottningholm, 29: 135-145. Tattersall, W. M. (1920). Notes on the status of the Crayfish as an in- digenous species in Lancashire and Cheshire. Lanc. Ches. nat. 13: 7-11. Thompson, B. (1886). Crayfish. J. Northampt. nat. Hist. Soc, 4: 172. Tomalin, H. F. (1887). Crayfish. J. Northampt. nat. Hist. Soc. 4; 242. Tute, J. S. (1890). Microscopic fauna and flora of Markington mid-west Yorkshire. Naturalist, Hull, 178: 154. Warrington, J. (1958). The diary of Samuel Pepys, edited from Mynors Bright's manuscript. Vol. 3. Dent & Sons, London, p. 242. Wattam, W. E. L. (1931). Distribution of the Crayfish (Astacus pallipes) in Yorkshire. Naturalist, Hull, 890: 93. VOLUCELLA ZONARIA Poda A male and a female of Volucella zonaria Poda (Diptera, Syrphidae) were feeding on Buddleia in my garden at Chadwell Heath, Dagenham, Essex on 19th August, 1971. This striking wasp like fly is the largest of the five species of Volucella found in this country. According to Coe it was until recently a rare immigrant from the continent but is now esta- blished in south east England, it having a northern limit of south Essex (Leytonstone). But it may well have spread further north now. This specimen had a winglength of 19 mm and a total span of 44 mm (13/4 inches). The species is characterised by its large size and the wasp like black bands found on the yellow abdomen. The thorax is a rich red brown and the wings are yellowish with darker markings at the tips. According to Colyer and Hammond it has been reared from larvae collected from the nest of the common wasp Vespa vulgaris. R. H. Allen References Coe, R. L. (1953). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects. Dip- tera, Syrphidae. Royal Entomological Society of London. Colyer, C. N. & Hammond, C. O. (1951). (2nd Ed. 1968). Flies of the British Isles. F. Warne & Co. Ltd.